use std::{ fs::read_to_string, io::{self, stdout, Read}, path::PathBuf, time::{Duration, Instant}, }; use clap::{ builder::{styling::AnsiColor, Styles}, crate_authors, crate_description, crate_version, error::ErrorKind, Args, ColorChoice, Error, Parser, Subcommand, ValueHint, }; use color_print::{cformat, cstr}; use dust_lang::{CompileError, Compiler, DustError, DustString, Lexer, Span, Token, Vm}; use tracing::{subscriber::set_global_default, Level}; use tracing_subscriber::FmtSubscriber; const ABOUT: &str = cstr!( r#" Dust CLI ──────── {about} ⚙️ Version: {version} 🦀 Author: {author} ⚖️ License: GPL-3.0 🔬 Repository: "# ); const PLAIN_ABOUT: &str = r#" {about} "#; const USAGE: &str = cstr!( r#" Usage: {usage} "# ); const SUBCOMMANDS: &str = cstr!( r#" Modes: {subcommands} "# ); const OPTIONS: &str = cstr!( r#" Options: {options} "# ); const CREATE_MAIN_HELP_TEMPLATE: fn() -> String = || cformat!("{ABOUT}{USAGE}{SUBCOMMANDS}{OPTIONS}"); const CREATE_MODE_HELP_TEMPLATE: fn(&str) -> String = |title| { cformat!( "\ {title}\n────────\ {PLAIN_ABOUT}{USAGE}{OPTIONS} " ) }; const STYLES: Styles = Styles::styled() .literal(AnsiColor::Cyan.on_default()) .placeholder(AnsiColor::Cyan.on_default()) .valid(AnsiColor::BrightCyan.on_default()) .invalid(AnsiColor::BrightYellow.on_default()) .error(AnsiColor::BrightRed.on_default()); #[derive(Parser)] #[clap( version = crate_version!(), author = crate_authors!(), about = crate_description!(), color = ColorChoice::Auto, help_template = CREATE_MAIN_HELP_TEMPLATE(), styles = STYLES, )] struct Cli { /// Overrides the DUST_LOG environment variable #[arg( short, long, value_parser = |input: &str| match input.to_uppercase().as_str() { "TRACE" => Ok(Level::TRACE), "DEBUG" => Ok(Level::DEBUG), "INFO" => Ok(Level::INFO), "WARN" => Ok(Level::WARN), "ERROR" => Ok(Level::ERROR), _ => Err(Error::new(ErrorKind::ValueValidation)), } )] log_level: Option, #[command(subcommand)] mode: Option, #[command(flatten)] run: Run, } #[derive(Args)] struct Input { /// Source code to run instead of a file #[arg(short, long, value_hint = ValueHint::Other, value_name = "INPUT")] command: Option, /// Read source code from stdin #[arg(long)] stdin: bool, /// Path to a source code file #[arg(value_hint = ValueHint::FilePath)] file: Option, } /// Compile and run the program (default) #[derive(Args)] #[command( short_flag = 'r', help_template = CREATE_MODE_HELP_TEMPLATE("Run Mode") )] struct Run { /// Print the time taken for compilation and execution #[arg(long)] time: bool, /// Do not print the program's return value #[arg(long)] no_output: bool, /// Custom program name, overrides the file name #[arg(long)] name: Option, #[command(flatten)] input: Input, } #[derive(Subcommand)] #[clap(subcommand_value_name = "MODE", flatten_help = true)] enum Mode { Run(Run), /// Compile and print the bytecode disassembly #[command( short_flag = 'd', help_template = CREATE_MODE_HELP_TEMPLATE("Disassemble Mode") )] Disassemble { /// Style disassembly output #[arg(short, long, default_value = "true")] style: bool, /// Custom program name, overrides the file name #[arg(long)] name: Option, #[command(flatten)] input: Input, }, /// Lex the source code and print the tokens #[command( short_flag = 't', help_template = CREATE_MODE_HELP_TEMPLATE("Tokenize Mode") )] Tokenize { /// Style token output #[arg(short, long, default_value = "true")] style: bool, #[command(flatten)] input: Input, }, } fn get_source_and_file_name(input: Input) -> (String, Option) { if let Some(path) = input.file { let source = read_to_string(&path).expect("Failed to read source file"); let file_name = path .file_name() .and_then(|os_str| os_str.to_str()) .map(DustString::from); return (source, file_name); } if input.stdin { let mut source = String::new(); io::stdin() .read_to_string(&mut source) .expect("Failed to read from stdin"); return (source, None); } let source = input.command.expect("No source code provided"); (source, None) } fn main() { let start_time = Instant::now(); let Cli { log_level, mode, run, } = Cli::parse(); let mode = mode.unwrap_or(Mode::Run(run)); let subscriber = FmtSubscriber::builder() .with_max_level(log_level) .with_thread_names(true) .with_file(false) .finish(); set_global_default(subscriber).expect("Failed to set tracing subscriber"); if let Mode::Disassemble { style, name, input } = mode { let (source, file_name) = get_source_and_file_name(input); let lexer = Lexer::new(&source); let program_name = name.or(file_name); let mut compiler = match Compiler::new(lexer, program_name, true) { Ok(compiler) => compiler, Err(error) => { handle_compile_error(error, &source); return; } }; match compiler.compile() { Ok(()) => {} Err(error) => { handle_compile_error(error, &source); return; } } let chunk = compiler.finish(); let mut stdout = stdout().lock(); chunk .disassembler(&mut stdout) .width(65) .style(style) .source(&source) .disassemble() .expect("Failed to write disassembly to stdout"); return; } if let Mode::Tokenize { input, .. } = mode { let (source, _) = get_source_and_file_name(input); let mut lexer = Lexer::new(&source); let mut next_token = || -> Option<(Token, Span, bool)> { match lexer.next_token() { Ok((token, position)) => Some((token, position, lexer.is_eof())), Err(error) => { let report = DustError::compile(CompileError::Lex(error), &source).report(); eprintln!("{report}"); None } } }; println!("{:^66}", "Tokens"); for _ in 0..66 { print!("-"); } println!(); println!("{:^21}|{:^22}|{:^22}", "Kind", "Value", "Position"); for _ in 0..66 { print!("-"); } println!(); while let Some((token, position, is_eof)) = next_token() { if is_eof { break; } let token_kind = token.kind().to_string(); let token = token.to_string(); let position = position.to_string(); println!("{token_kind:^21}|{token:^22}|{position:^22}"); } return; } if let Mode::Run(Run { time, no_output, name, input, }) = mode { let (source, file_name) = get_source_and_file_name(input); let lexer = Lexer::new(&source); let program_name = name.or(file_name); let mut compiler = match Compiler::new(lexer, program_name, true) { Ok(compiler) => compiler, Err(error) => { handle_compile_error(error, &source); return; } }; match compiler.compile() { Ok(()) => {} Err(error) => { handle_compile_error(error, &source); return; } } let chunk = compiler.finish(); let compile_end = start_time.elapsed(); let vm = Vm::new(chunk); let return_value =; let run_end = start_time.elapsed(); if let Some(value) = return_value { if !no_output { println!("{}", value) } } if time { let run_time = run_end - compile_end; let total_time = compile_end + run_time; print_time("Compile Time", compile_end); print_time("Run Time", run_time); print_time("Total Time", total_time); } } } fn print_time(phase: &str, instant: Duration) { let seconds = instant.as_secs_f64(); match seconds { ..=0.001 => { println!( "{phase:12}: {microseconds}µs", microseconds = (seconds * 1_000_000.0).round() ); } ..=0.199 => { println!( "{phase:12}: {milliseconds}ms", milliseconds = (seconds * 1000.0).round() ); } _ => { println!("{phase:12}: {seconds}s"); } } } fn handle_compile_error(error: CompileError, source: &str) { let dust_error = DustError::compile(error, source); let report =; eprintln!("{report}"); } #[cfg(test)] mod tests { use clap::CommandFactory; use super::*; #[test] fn verify_cli() { Cli::command().debug_assert(); } }