pub mod abstract_tree; pub mod context; pub mod error; pub mod identifier; pub mod lexer; pub mod parser; pub mod value; use std::{ ops::Range, sync::{Arc, RwLock}, vec, }; use abstract_tree::{AbstractTree, Type}; use ariadne::{Color, Config, Fmt, Label, Report, ReportKind}; use chumsky::prelude::*; use context::Context; use error::{DustError, RuntimeError, TypeConflict, ValidationError}; use lexer::{lex, Token}; use parser::{parse, parser}; use rayon::prelude::*; pub use value::Value; pub fn interpret(source_id: &str, source: &str) -> Result, InterpreterError> { let interpreter = Interpreter::new(Context::new(None)); interpreter.load_std()?;, Arc::from(source)) } pub fn interpret_without_std( source_id: &str, source: &str, ) -> Result, InterpreterError> { let interpreter = Interpreter::new(Context::new(None));, Arc::from(source)) } pub struct Interpreter { context: Context, sources: Arc, Arc)>>>, } impl Interpreter { pub fn new(context: Context) -> Self { Interpreter { context, sources: Arc::new(RwLock::new(Vec::new())), } } pub fn lex<'src>( &self, source_id: Arc, source: &'src str, ) -> Result>, InterpreterError> { let mut sources = self.sources.write().unwrap(); sources.clear(); sources.push((source_id.clone(), Arc::from(source))); lex(source.as_ref()) .map(|tokens| tokens.into_iter().map(|(token, _)| token).collect()) .map_err(|errors| InterpreterError { source_id, errors }) } pub fn parse<'src>( &self, source_id: Arc, source: &'src str, ) -> Result { let mut sources = self.sources.write().unwrap(); sources.clear(); sources.push((source_id.clone(), Arc::from(source))); parse(&lex(source).map_err(|errors| InterpreterError { source_id: source_id.clone(), errors, })?) .map_err(|errors| InterpreterError { source_id, errors }) } pub fn run( &self, source_id: Arc, source: Arc, ) -> Result, InterpreterError> { let mut sources = self.sources.write().unwrap(); sources.clear(); sources.push((source_id.clone(), source.clone())); let tokens = lex(source.as_ref()).map_err(|errors| InterpreterError { source_id: source_id.clone(), errors, })?; let abstract_tree = parse(&tokens).map_err(|errors| InterpreterError { source_id: source_id.clone(), errors, })?; let value_option = abstract_tree .run(&self.context, true) .map_err(|errors| InterpreterError { source_id, errors })?; Ok(value_option) } pub fn load_std(&self) -> Result<(), InterpreterError> { let std_core_source: (Arc, Arc) = { ( Arc::from("std/core.ds"), Arc::from(include_str!("../../std/core.ds")), ) }; let std_sources: [(Arc, Arc); 4] = [ ( Arc::from("std/fs.ds"), Arc::from(include_str!("../../std/fs.ds")), ), ( Arc::from("std/io.ds"), Arc::from(include_str!("../../std/io.ds")), ), ( Arc::from("std/json.ds"), Arc::from(include_str!("../../std/json.ds")), ), ( Arc::from("std/thread.ds"), Arc::from(include_str!("../../std/thread.ds")), ), ]; log::info!("Start loading standard library..."); // Always load the core library first because other parts of the standard library may depend // on it. self.run_with_builtins(std_core_source.0, std_core_source.1)?; let error = if cfg!(test) { // In debug mode, load the standard library sequentially to get consistent errors. std_sources .into_iter() .find_map(|(source_id, source)| self.run_with_builtins(source_id, source).err()) } else { // In release mode, load the standard library asynchronously. std_sources .into_par_iter() .find_map_any(|(source_id, source)| self.run_with_builtins(source_id, source).err()) }; log::info!("Finish loading standard library."); if let Some(error) = error { Err(error) } else { Ok(()) } } pub fn sources(&self) -> vec::IntoIter<(Arc, Arc)> { } fn run_with_builtins( &self, source_id: Arc, source: Arc, ) -> Result, InterpreterError> { let mut sources = self.sources.write().unwrap(); sources.clear(); sources.push((source_id.clone(), source.clone())); let tokens = lex(source.as_ref()).map_err(|errors| InterpreterError { source_id: source_id.clone(), errors, })?; let abstract_tree = parser(true) .parse(tokens.spanned((tokens.len()..tokens.len()).into())) .into_result() .map_err(|errors| InterpreterError { source_id: source_id.clone(), errors: errors .into_iter() .map(|error| DustError::from(error)) .collect(), })?; let value_option = abstract_tree .run(&self.context, true) .map_err(|errors| InterpreterError { source_id, errors })?; Ok(value_option) } } #[derive(Debug, PartialEq)] pub struct InterpreterError { source_id: Arc, errors: Vec, } impl InterpreterError { pub fn errors(&self) -> &Vec { &self.errors } } impl InterpreterError { pub fn build_reports<'a>(self) -> Vec, Range)>> { let token_color = Color::Yellow; let type_color = Color::Green; let identifier_color = Color::Blue; let mut reports = Vec::new(); for error in self.errors { let (mut builder, validation_error) = match error { DustError::Lex { expected, span, reason, } => { let description = if expected.is_empty() { "Invalid character.".to_string() } else { format!("Expected {expected}.") }; ( Report::build( ReportKind::Custom("Lexing Error", Color::Yellow), self.source_id.clone(), span.1, ) .with_message(description) .with_label( Label::new((self.source_id.clone(), span.0..span.1)) .with_message(reason) .with_color(Color::Red), ), None, ) } DustError::Parse { expected, span, found, } => { let description = if expected.is_empty() { "Invalid token.".to_string() } else { format!("Expected {expected}.") }; let found = found .unwrap_or_else(|| "End of input".to_string()) .fg(token_color); ( Report::build( ReportKind::Custom("Parsing Error", Color::Yellow), self.source_id.clone(), span.1, ) .with_message(description) .with_label( Label::new((self.source_id.clone(), span.0..span.1)) .with_message(format!("{found} is not valid in this position.")) .with_color(Color::Red), ), None, ) } DustError::Validation { error, position } => ( Report::build( ReportKind::Custom("Validation Error", Color::Magenta), self.source_id.clone(), position.1, ) .with_message("The syntax is valid but this code would cause an error.") .with_note( "This error was detected by the interpreter before running the code.", ), Some(error), ), DustError::Runtime { error, position } => { let note = match &error { RuntimeError::Io(io_error) => &io_error.to_string(), RuntimeError::RwLockPoison(_) => todo!(), RuntimeError::ValidationFailure(_) => { "This is the interpreter's fault. Please submit a bug with this error message." } RuntimeError::SerdeJson(serde_json_error) => &serde_json_error.to_string(), }; ( Report::build( ReportKind::Custom("Runtime Error", Color::Red), self.source_id.clone(), position.1, ) .with_message("An error occured that forced the program to exit.") .with_help( "There may be unexpected side-effects because the program could not finish.", ) .with_note(note) .with_label( Label::new((self.source_id.clone(), position.0..position.1)).with_message("Error occured here.") ), if let RuntimeError::ValidationFailure(validation_error) = error { Some(validation_error) } else { None }, ) } }; if let Some(validation_error) = validation_error { match validation_error { ValidationError::CannotAssignToNone(postion) => { builder.add_label( Label::new((self.source_id.clone(), postion.0..postion.1)) .with_message(format!( "This statement does not yield a value, you cannot assign a variable to it." )), ); } ValidationError::ExpectedBoolean { actual, position } => { builder.add_label( Label::new((self.source_id.clone(), position.0..position.1)) .with_message(format!( "Expected {} but got {}.", "boolean".fg(type_color), actual.fg(type_color) )), ); } ValidationError::ExpectedIntegerOrFloat(position) => { builder.add_label( Label::new((self.source_id.clone(), position.0..position.1)) .with_message(format!( "Expected {} or {}.", "integer".fg(type_color), "float".fg(type_color) )), ); } ValidationError::FullTypeNotKnown { identifier, position, } => builder.add_label( Label::new((self.source_id.clone(), position.0..position.1)).with_message( format!( "The full type for {} must be known.", identifier.fg(identifier_color) ), ), ), ValidationError::RwLockPoison(_) => todo!(), ValidationError::TypeCheck { conflict, actual_position, expected_position, } => { let TypeConflict { actual, expected } = conflict; if let Some(position) = expected_position { builder.add_label( Label::new((self.source_id.clone(), position.0..position.1)) .with_message(format!( "Type {} established here.", expected.fg(type_color) )), ) } builder.add_label( Label::new(( self.source_id.clone(), actual_position.0..actual_position.1, )) .with_message(format!("Got type {} here.", actual.fg(type_color))), ); } ValidationError::VariableNotFound { identifier, position, } => builder.add_label( Label::new((self.source_id.clone(), position.0..position.1)).with_message( format!( "Variable {} does not exist in this context.", identifier.fg(identifier_color) ), ), ), ValidationError::CannotIndex { r#type, position } => builder.add_label( Label::new((self.source_id.clone(), position.0..position.1)).with_message( format!("Cannot index into a {}.", r#type.fg(type_color)), ), ), ValidationError::CannotIndexWith { collection_type, collection_position, index_type, index_position, } => { builder = builder.with_message(format!( "Cannot index into {} with {}.", collection_type.clone().fg(type_color), index_type.clone().fg(type_color) )); builder.add_labels([ Label::new(( self.source_id.clone(), collection_position.0..collection_position.1, )) .with_message(format!( "This has type {}.", collection_type.fg(type_color), )), Label::new(( self.source_id.clone(), index_position.0..index_position.1, )) .with_message(format!("This has type {}.", index_type.fg(type_color),)), ]) } ValidationError::ExpectedExpression(_) => todo!(), ValidationError::ExpectedFunction { .. } => todo!(), ValidationError::ExpectedValue(_) => todo!(), ValidationError::PropertyNotFound { .. } => todo!(), ValidationError::WrongArguments { .. } => todo!(), ValidationError::WrongTypeArgumentCount { .. } => todo!(), ValidationError::ExpectedIntegerFloatOrString { actual, position } => { builder = builder.with_message(format!( "Expected an {}, {} or {}.", Type::Integer.fg(type_color), Type::Float.fg(type_color), Type::String.fg(type_color) )); builder.add_label( Label::new((self.source_id.clone(), position.0..position.1)) .with_message(format!("This has type {}.", actual.fg(type_color),)), ) } ValidationError::ExpectedString { .. } => todo!(), ValidationError::EnumDefinitionNotFound { identifier, position, } => { let message = format!( "The enum {} does not exist in this context.", identifier.fg(identifier_color), ); if let Some(position) = position { builder.add_label( Label::new((self.source_id.clone(), position.0..position.1)) .with_message(message), ) } else { builder = builder.with_message(message); } } ValidationError::EnumVariantNotFound { .. } => todo!(), } } builder = builder.with_config(Config::default().with_multiline_arrows(false)); let report = builder.finish(); reports.push(report); } reports } } #[cfg(test)] mod tests { use super::*; #[test] fn load_standard_library() { Interpreter::new(Context::new(None)).load_std().unwrap(); } }