use std::fmt::{self, Debug, Display, Formatter}; use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize}; use crate::{AnnotatedError, Identifier, Instruction, Span, Value}; #[derive(Clone)] pub struct Chunk { instructions: Vec<(Instruction, Span)>, constants: Vec>, locals: Vec, scope_depth: usize, } impl Chunk { pub fn new() -> Self { Self { instructions: Vec::new(), constants: Vec::new(), locals: Vec::new(), scope_depth: 0, } } pub fn with_data( instructions: Vec<(Instruction, Span)>, constants: Vec, identifiers: Vec, ) -> Self { Self { instructions, constants: constants.into_iter().map(Some).collect(), locals: identifiers, scope_depth: 0, } } pub fn len(&self) -> usize { self.instructions.len() } pub fn is_empty(&self) -> bool { self.instructions.is_empty() } pub fn scope_depth(&self) -> usize { self.scope_depth } pub fn get_instruction( &self, offset: usize, position: Span, ) -> Result<&(Instruction, Span), ChunkError> { self.instructions .get(offset) .ok_or(ChunkError::CodeIndexOfBounds { offset, position }) } pub fn push_instruction(&mut self, instruction: Instruction, position: Span) { self.instructions.push((instruction, position)); } pub fn pop_instruction(&mut self) -> Option<(Instruction, Span)> { self.instructions.pop() } pub fn get_constant(&self, index: usize, position: Span) -> Result<&Value, ChunkError> { self.constants .get(index) .ok_or(ChunkError::ConstantIndexOutOfBounds { index, position }) .and_then(|value| { value .as_ref() .ok_or(ChunkError::ConstantAlreadyUsed { index, position }) }) } pub fn use_constant(&mut self, index: usize, position: Span) -> Result { self.constants .get_mut(index) .ok_or_else(|| ChunkError::ConstantIndexOutOfBounds { index, position })? .take() .ok_or(ChunkError::ConstantAlreadyUsed { index, position }) } pub fn push_constant(&mut self, value: Value, position: Span) -> Result { let starting_length = self.constants.len(); if starting_length + 1 > (u8::MAX as usize) { Err(ChunkError::ConstantOverflow { position }) } else { self.constants.push(Some(value)); Ok(starting_length as u16) } } pub fn contains_identifier(&self, identifier: &Identifier) -> bool { self.locals .iter() .any(|local| &local.identifier == identifier) } pub fn get_local(&self, index: usize, position: Span) -> Result<&Local, ChunkError> { self.locals .get(index as usize) .ok_or(ChunkError::LocalIndexOutOfBounds { index, position }) } pub fn get_identifier(&self, index: u8) -> Option<&Identifier> { if let Some(local) = self.locals.get(index as usize) { Some(&local.identifier) } else { None } } pub fn get_local_index( &self, identifier: &Identifier, position: Span, ) -> Result { self.locals .iter() .rev() .enumerate() .find_map(|(index, local)| { if &local.identifier == identifier { Some(index as u16) } else { None } }) .ok_or(ChunkError::IdentifierNotFound { identifier: identifier.clone(), position, }) } pub fn declare_local( &mut self, identifier: Identifier, position: Span, ) -> Result { let starting_length = self.locals.len(); if starting_length + 1 > (u8::MAX as usize) { Err(ChunkError::IdentifierOverflow { position }) } else { self.locals .push(Local::new(identifier, self.scope_depth, None)); Ok(starting_length as u16) } } pub fn define_local( &mut self, index: usize, value: Value, position: Span, ) -> Result<(), ChunkError> { let local = self .locals .get_mut(index) .ok_or_else(|| ChunkError::LocalIndexOutOfBounds { index, position })?; local.value = Some(value); Ok(()) } pub fn begin_scope(&mut self) { self.scope_depth += 1; } pub fn end_scope(&mut self) { self.scope_depth -= 1; } pub fn clear(&mut self) { self.instructions.clear(); self.constants.clear(); self.locals.clear(); } pub fn identifiers(&self) -> &[Local] { &self.locals } pub fn pop_identifier(&mut self) -> Option { self.locals.pop() } pub fn disassemble(&self, name: &str) -> String { let mut output = String::new(); let name_length = name.len(); let buffer_length = 51_usize.saturating_sub(name_length); let name_buffer = " ".repeat(buffer_length / 2); let underline = "-".repeat(name_length); output.push_str(&format!("{name_buffer}{name}{name_buffer}\n")); output.push_str(&format!("{name_buffer}{underline}{name_buffer}\n",)); output.push_str(" Code \n"); output.push_str("------ ---------------- -------------------- --------\n"); output.push_str("OFFSET INSTRUCTION INFO POSITION\n"); output.push_str("------ ---------------- -------------------- --------\n"); for (offset, (instruction, position)) in self.instructions.iter().enumerate() { let display = format!( "{offset:^6} {:37} {position}\n", instruction.disassemble(self) ); output.push_str(&display); } output.push_str("\n Constants\n"); output.push_str("----- ---- -----\n"); output.push_str("INDEX KIND VALUE\n"); output.push_str("----- ---- -----\n"); for (index, value_option) in self.constants.iter().enumerate() { let value_kind_display = match value_option { Some(Value::Raw(_)) => "RAW ", Some(Value::Reference(_)) => "REF ", Some(Value::Mutable(_)) => "MUT ", None => "EMPTY", }; let value_display = value_option .as_ref() .map(|value| value.to_string()) .unwrap_or_else(|| "EMPTY".to_string()); let display = format!("{index:3} {value_kind_display} {value_display}\n",); output.push_str(&display); } output.push_str("\n Locals\n"); output.push_str("----- ---------- ----- -----\n"); output.push_str("INDEX NAME DEPTH VALUE\n"); output.push_str("----- ---------- ----- -----\n"); for ( index, Local { identifier, depth, value, }, ) in self.locals.iter().enumerate() { let value_display = value .as_ref() .map(|value| value.to_string()) .unwrap_or_else(|| "EMPTY".to_string()); let display = format!( "{index:3} {:10} {depth:<5} {value_display}\n", identifier.as_str() ); output.push_str(&display); } output } } impl Default for Chunk { fn default() -> Self { Self::new() } } impl Display for Chunk { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter) -> fmt::Result { write!(f, "{}", self.disassemble("Chunk Display")) } } impl Debug for Chunk { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter) -> fmt::Result { write!(f, "{}", self.disassemble("Chunk Debug Display")) } } impl Eq for Chunk {} impl PartialEq for Chunk { fn eq(&self, other: &Self) -> bool { self.instructions == other.instructions && self.constants == other.constants && self.locals == other.locals } } #[derive(Debug, Clone, Eq, PartialEq, Serialize, Deserialize)] pub struct Local { pub identifier: Identifier, pub depth: usize, pub value: Option, } impl Local { pub fn new(identifier: Identifier, depth: usize, value: Option) -> Self { Self { identifier, depth, value, } } } #[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq)] pub enum ChunkError { CodeIndexOfBounds { offset: usize, position: Span, }, ConstantAlreadyUsed { index: usize, position: Span, }, ConstantOverflow { position: Span, }, ConstantIndexOutOfBounds { index: usize, position: Span, }, LocalIndexOutOfBounds { index: usize, position: Span, }, IdentifierOverflow { position: Span, }, IdentifierNotFound { identifier: Identifier, position: Span, }, } impl AnnotatedError for ChunkError { fn title() -> &'static str { "Chunk Error" } fn description(&self) -> &'static str { match self { ChunkError::CodeIndexOfBounds { .. } => "Code index out of bounds", ChunkError::ConstantAlreadyUsed { .. } => "Constant already used", ChunkError::ConstantOverflow { .. } => "Constant overflow", ChunkError::ConstantIndexOutOfBounds { .. } => "Constant index out of bounds", ChunkError::LocalIndexOutOfBounds { .. } => "Identifier index out of bounds", ChunkError::IdentifierOverflow { .. } => "Identifier overflow", ChunkError::IdentifierNotFound { .. } => "Identifier not found", } } fn details(&self) -> Option { match self { ChunkError::CodeIndexOfBounds { offset, .. } => Some(format!("Code index: {}", offset)), ChunkError::ConstantAlreadyUsed { index, .. } => { Some(format!("Constant index: {}", index)) } ChunkError::ConstantIndexOutOfBounds { index, .. } => { Some(format!("Constant index: {}", index)) } ChunkError::LocalIndexOutOfBounds { index, .. } => { Some(format!("Identifier index: {}", index)) } ChunkError::IdentifierNotFound { identifier, .. } => { Some(format!("Identifier: {}", identifier)) } _ => None, } } fn position(&self) -> Span { match self { ChunkError::CodeIndexOfBounds { position, .. } => *position, ChunkError::ConstantAlreadyUsed { position, .. } => *position, ChunkError::ConstantIndexOutOfBounds { position, .. } => *position, ChunkError::IdentifierNotFound { position, .. } => *position, _ => todo!(), } } }