use std::{ fmt::{self, Display, Formatter}, mem, num::ParseIntError, }; use crate::{ dust_error::AnnotatedError, Chunk, ChunkError, DustError, Identifier, Instruction, LexError, Lexer, Local, Span, Token, TokenKind, TokenOwned, Value, ValueLocation, }; pub fn parse(source: &str) -> Result { let lexer = Lexer::new(source); let mut parser = Parser::new(lexer); while !parser.is_eof() { parser .parse_statement() .map_err(|error| DustError::Parse { error, source })?; } Ok(parser.chunk) } #[derive(Debug)] pub struct Parser<'src> { lexer: Lexer<'src>, chunk: Chunk, previous_token: Token<'src>, previous_position: Span, current_token: Token<'src>, current_position: Span, } impl<'src> Parser<'src> { pub fn new(mut lexer: Lexer<'src>) -> Self { let (current_token, current_position) = lexer.next_token().unwrap_or((Token::Eof, Span(0, 0))); log::trace!("Starting parser with token {current_token} at {current_position}"); Parser { lexer, chunk: Chunk::new(), previous_token: Token::Eof, previous_position: Span(0, 0), current_token, current_position, } } fn is_eof(&self) -> bool { matches!(self.current_token, Token::Eof) } fn advance(&mut self) -> Result<(), ParseError> { if self.is_eof() { return Ok(()); } let (new_token, position) = self.lexer.next_token()?; log::trace!("Advancing to token {new_token} at {position}"); self.previous_token = mem::replace(&mut self.current_token, new_token); self.previous_position = mem::replace(&mut self.current_position, position); Ok(()) } fn allow(&mut self, allowed: TokenKind) -> Result { if self.current_token.kind() == allowed { self.advance()?; Ok(true) } else { Ok(false) } } fn expect(&mut self, expected: TokenKind) -> Result<(), ParseError> { if self.current_token.kind() == expected { self.advance() } else { Err(ParseError::ExpectedToken { expected, found: self.current_token.to_owned(), position: self.current_position, }) } } fn emit_byte>(&mut self, into_byte: T, position: Span) { self.chunk.push_code(into_byte.into(), position); } fn emit_constant(&mut self, value: Value) -> Result<(), ParseError> { let position = self.previous_position; let constant_index = self .chunk .push_constant(value) .map_err(|error| ParseError::Chunk { error, position })?; self.emit_byte(Instruction::Constant, position); self.emit_byte(constant_index, position); Ok(()) } fn parse_boolean(&mut self, _allow_assignment: bool) -> Result<(), ParseError> { if let Token::Boolean(text) = self.previous_token { let boolean = text.parse::().unwrap(); let value = Value::boolean(boolean); self.emit_constant(value)?; } Ok(()) } fn parse_byte(&mut self, _allow_assignment: bool) -> Result<(), ParseError> { if let Token::Byte(text) = self.previous_token { let byte = u8::from_str_radix(&text[2..], 16).map_err(|error| ParseError::ParseIntError { error, position: self.previous_position, })?; let value = Value::byte(byte); self.emit_constant(value)?; } Ok(()) } fn parse_character(&mut self, _allow_assignment: bool) -> Result<(), ParseError> { if let Token::Character(character) = self.previous_token { let value = Value::character(character); self.emit_constant(value)?; } Ok(()) } fn parse_float(&mut self, _allow_assignment: bool) -> Result<(), ParseError> { if let Token::Float(text) = self.previous_token { let float = text.parse::().unwrap(); let value = Value::float(float); self.emit_constant(value)?; } Ok(()) } fn parse_integer(&mut self, _allow_assignment: bool) -> Result<(), ParseError> { if let Token::Integer(text) = self.previous_token { let integer = text.parse::().unwrap(); let value = Value::integer(integer); self.emit_constant(value)?; } Ok(()) } fn parse_string(&mut self, _allow_assignment: bool) -> Result<(), ParseError> { if let Token::String(text) = self.previous_token { let value = Value::string(text); self.emit_constant(value)?; } Ok(()) } fn parse_grouped(&mut self, _allow_assignment: bool) -> Result<(), ParseError> { self.parse_expression()?; self.expect(TokenKind::RightParenthesis) } fn parse_unary(&mut self, _allow_assignment: bool) -> Result<(), ParseError> { let operator_position = self.previous_position; let byte = match self.previous_token.kind() { TokenKind::Minus => Instruction::Negate, _ => { return Err(ParseError::ExpectedTokenMultiple { expected: vec![TokenKind::Minus], found: self.previous_token.to_owned(), position: operator_position, }) } }; self.parse_expression()?; self.emit_byte(byte, operator_position); Ok(()) } fn parse_binary(&mut self) -> Result<(), ParseError> { log::trace!("Parsing binary expression"); let operator_position = self.previous_position; let operator = self.previous_token.kind(); let rule = ParseRule::from(&operator); self.parse(rule.precedence.increment())?; let byte = match operator { TokenKind::Plus => Instruction::Add, TokenKind::Minus => Instruction::Subtract, TokenKind::Star => Instruction::Multiply, TokenKind::Slash => Instruction::Divide, TokenKind::DoubleAmpersand => Instruction::And, _ => { return Err(ParseError::ExpectedTokenMultiple { expected: vec![ TokenKind::Plus, TokenKind::Minus, TokenKind::Star, TokenKind::Slash, ], found: self.previous_token.to_owned(), position: operator_position, }) } }; self.emit_byte(byte, operator_position); Ok(()) } fn parse_variable(&mut self, allow_assignment: bool) -> Result<(), ParseError> { self.parse_named_variable(allow_assignment) } fn parse_named_variable(&mut self, allow_assignment: bool) -> Result<(), ParseError> { let token = self.previous_token.to_owned(); let identifier_index = self.parse_identifier_from(token)?; if allow_assignment && self.allow(TokenKind::Equal)? { self.parse_expression()?; self.emit_byte(Instruction::SetVariable, self.previous_position); self.emit_byte(identifier_index, self.previous_position); } else { self.emit_byte(Instruction::GetVariable, self.previous_position); self.emit_byte(identifier_index, self.previous_position); } Ok(()) } fn parse_identifier_from(&mut self, token: TokenOwned) -> Result { if let TokenOwned::Identifier(text) = token { let identifier = Identifier::new(text); let identifier_index = self.chunk .push_constant_identifier(identifier) .map_err(|error| ParseError::Chunk { error, position: self.previous_position, })?; Ok(identifier_index) } else { Err(ParseError::ExpectedToken { expected: TokenKind::Identifier, found: self.current_token.to_owned(), position: self.current_position, }) } } pub fn parse_block(&mut self, _allow_assignment: bool) -> Result<(), ParseError> { self.chunk.begin_scope(); while !self.allow(TokenKind::RightCurlyBrace)? && !self.is_eof() { self.parse_statement()?; } self.chunk.end_scope(); Ok(()) } fn parse_expression(&mut self) -> Result<(), ParseError> { self.parse(Precedence::None) } fn parse_statement(&mut self) -> Result<(), ParseError> { let start = self.current_position.0; let (is_expression_statement, contains_block) = match self.current_token { Token::Let => { self.parse_let_assignment(true)?; (false, false) } Token::LeftCurlyBrace => { self.parse_expression()?; (true, true) } _ => { self.parse_expression()?; (true, false) } }; let has_semicolon = self.allow(TokenKind::Semicolon)?; if is_expression_statement && !contains_block && !has_semicolon { let end = self.previous_position.1; self.emit_byte(Instruction::Return, Span(start, end)) } Ok(()) } fn parse_let_assignment(&mut self, _allow_assignment: bool) -> Result<(), ParseError> { self.expect(TokenKind::Let)?; let position = self.current_position; let identifier = if let Token::Identifier(text) = self.current_token { self.advance()?; Identifier::new(text) } else { return Err(ParseError::ExpectedToken { expected: TokenKind::Identifier, found: self.current_token.to_owned(), position: self.current_position, }); }; self.expect(TokenKind::Equal)?; self.parse_expression()?; let identifier_index = self .chunk .push_constant_identifier(identifier) .map_err(|error| ParseError::Chunk { error, position })?; self.emit_byte(Instruction::DefineVariable, position); self.emit_byte(identifier_index, position); Ok(()) } fn parse(&mut self, precedence: Precedence) -> Result<(), ParseError> { self.advance()?; let prefix_parser = if let Some(prefix) = ParseRule::from(&self.previous_token.kind()).prefix { log::trace!( "Parsing {} as prefix with precedence {precedence}", self.previous_token, ); prefix } else { return Err(ParseError::ExpectedExpression { found: self.previous_token.to_owned(), position: self.previous_position, }); }; let allow_assignment = precedence <= Precedence::Assignment; prefix_parser(self, allow_assignment)?; while precedence < ParseRule::from(&self.current_token.kind()).precedence { self.advance()?; if let Some(infix_parser) = ParseRule::from(&self.previous_token.kind()).infix { log::trace!( "Parsing {} as infix with precedence {precedence}", self.previous_token, ); if allow_assignment && self.allow(TokenKind::Equal)? { return Err(ParseError::InvalidAssignmentTarget { found: self.previous_token.to_owned(), position: self.previous_position, }); } infix_parser(self)?; } else { break; } } Ok(()) } } #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord)] pub enum Precedence { None = 0, Assignment = 1, Conditional = 2, LogicalOr = 3, LogicalAnd = 4, Equality = 5, Comparison = 6, Term = 7, Factor = 8, Unary = 9, Call = 10, Primary = 11, } impl Precedence { fn from_byte(byte: u8) -> Self { match byte { 0 => Self::None, 1 => Self::Assignment, 2 => Self::Conditional, 3 => Self::LogicalOr, 4 => Self::LogicalAnd, 5 => Self::Equality, 6 => Self::Comparison, 7 => Self::Term, 8 => Self::Factor, 9 => Self::Unary, 10 => Self::Call, _ => Self::Primary, } } fn increment(&self) -> Self { Self::from_byte(*self as u8 + 1) } } impl Display for Precedence { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter) -> fmt::Result { write!(f, "{:?}", self) } } type PrefixFunction<'a> = fn(&mut Parser<'a>, bool) -> Result<(), ParseError>; type InfixFunction<'a> = fn(&mut Parser<'a>) -> Result<(), ParseError>; #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy)] pub struct ParseRule<'a> { pub prefix: Option>, pub infix: Option>, pub precedence: Precedence, } impl From<&TokenKind> for ParseRule<'_> { fn from(token_kind: &TokenKind) -> Self { match token_kind { TokenKind::Eof => ParseRule { prefix: None, infix: None, precedence: Precedence::None, }, TokenKind::Identifier => ParseRule { prefix: Some(Parser::parse_variable), infix: None, precedence: Precedence::None, }, TokenKind::Boolean => ParseRule { prefix: Some(Parser::parse_boolean), infix: None, precedence: Precedence::None, }, TokenKind::Byte => ParseRule { prefix: Some(Parser::parse_byte), infix: None, precedence: Precedence::None, }, TokenKind::Character => ParseRule { prefix: Some(Parser::parse_character), infix: None, precedence: Precedence::None, }, TokenKind::Float => ParseRule { prefix: Some(Parser::parse_float), infix: None, precedence: Precedence::None, }, TokenKind::Integer => ParseRule { prefix: Some(Parser::parse_integer), infix: None, precedence: Precedence::None, }, TokenKind::String => ParseRule { prefix: Some(Parser::parse_string), infix: None, precedence: Precedence::None, }, TokenKind::Async => todo!(), TokenKind::Bool => todo!(), TokenKind::Break => todo!(), TokenKind::Else => todo!(), TokenKind::FloatKeyword => todo!(), TokenKind::If => todo!(), TokenKind::Int => todo!(), TokenKind::Let => ParseRule { prefix: Some(Parser::parse_let_assignment), infix: None, precedence: Precedence::None, }, TokenKind::Loop => todo!(), TokenKind::Map => todo!(), TokenKind::Str => todo!(), TokenKind::While => todo!(), TokenKind::BangEqual => todo!(), TokenKind::Bang => todo!(), TokenKind::Colon => todo!(), TokenKind::Comma => todo!(), TokenKind::Dot => todo!(), TokenKind::DoubleAmpersand => ParseRule { prefix: None, infix: Some(Parser::parse_binary), precedence: Precedence::LogicalAnd, }, TokenKind::DoubleDot => todo!(), TokenKind::DoubleEqual => todo!(), TokenKind::DoublePipe => todo!(), TokenKind::Equal => todo!(), TokenKind::Greater => todo!(), TokenKind::GreaterOrEqual => todo!(), TokenKind::LeftCurlyBrace => ParseRule { prefix: Some(Parser::parse_block), infix: None, precedence: Precedence::None, }, TokenKind::LeftParenthesis => ParseRule { prefix: Some(Parser::parse_grouped), infix: None, precedence: Precedence::None, }, TokenKind::LeftSquareBrace => todo!(), TokenKind::Less => todo!(), TokenKind::LessOrEqual => todo!(), TokenKind::Minus => ParseRule { prefix: Some(Parser::parse_unary), infix: Some(Parser::parse_binary), precedence: Precedence::Term, }, TokenKind::MinusEqual => todo!(), TokenKind::Mut => todo!(), TokenKind::Percent => todo!(), TokenKind::Plus => ParseRule { prefix: None, infix: Some(Parser::parse_binary), precedence: Precedence::Term, }, TokenKind::PlusEqual => todo!(), TokenKind::RightCurlyBrace => ParseRule { prefix: None, infix: None, precedence: Precedence::None, }, TokenKind::RightParenthesis => ParseRule { prefix: None, infix: None, precedence: Precedence::None, }, TokenKind::RightSquareBrace => todo!(), TokenKind::Semicolon => ParseRule { prefix: None, infix: None, precedence: Precedence::None, }, TokenKind::Star => ParseRule { prefix: None, infix: Some(Parser::parse_binary), precedence: Precedence::Factor, }, TokenKind::Struct => todo!(), TokenKind::Slash => ParseRule { prefix: None, infix: Some(Parser::parse_binary), precedence: Precedence::Factor, }, } } } #[derive(Debug, PartialEq)] pub enum ParseError { ExpectedExpression { found: TokenOwned, position: Span, }, ExpectedToken { expected: TokenKind, found: TokenOwned, position: Span, }, ExpectedTokenMultiple { expected: Vec, found: TokenOwned, position: Span, }, InvalidAssignmentTarget { found: TokenOwned, position: Span, }, // Wrappers around foreign errors Chunk { error: ChunkError, position: Span, }, Lex(LexError), ParseIntError { error: ParseIntError, position: Span, }, } impl AnnotatedError for ParseError { fn title() -> &'static str { "Parse Error" } fn description(&self) -> &'static str { match self { Self::ExpectedExpression { .. } => "Expected an expression", Self::ExpectedToken { .. } => "Expected a specific token", Self::ExpectedTokenMultiple { .. } => "Expected one of multiple tokens", Self::InvalidAssignmentTarget { .. } => "Invalid assignment target", Self::Chunk { .. } => "Chunk error", Self::Lex(_) => "Lex error", Self::ParseIntError { .. } => "Failed to parse integer", } } fn details(&self) -> Option { match self { Self::ExpectedExpression { found, .. } => { Some(format!("Expected an expression, found \"{found}\"")) } Self::ExpectedToken { expected, found, .. } => Some(format!("Expected \"{expected}\", found \"{found}\"")), Self::ExpectedTokenMultiple { expected, found, .. } => Some(format!("Expected one of {expected:?}, found \"{found}\"")), Self::InvalidAssignmentTarget { found, .. } => { Some(format!("Invalid assignment target \"{found}\"")) } Self::Chunk { error, .. } => Some(error.to_string()), Self::Lex(error) => Some(error.to_string()), Self::ParseIntError { error, .. } => Some(error.to_string()), } } fn position(&self) -> Span { match self { Self::ExpectedExpression { position, .. } => *position, Self::ExpectedToken { position, .. } => *position, Self::ExpectedTokenMultiple { position, .. } => *position, Self::InvalidAssignmentTarget { position, .. } => *position, Self::Chunk { position, .. } => *position, Self::Lex(error) => error.position(), Self::ParseIntError { position, .. } => *position, } } } impl From for ParseError { fn from(error: LexError) -> Self { Self::Lex(error) } } #[cfg(test)] mod tests { use crate::{identifier_stack::Local, ValueLocation}; use super::*; #[test] fn block() { let source = "{ 42; 42 }"; let test_chunk = parse(source); assert_eq!( test_chunk, Ok(Chunk::with_data( vec![ (Instruction::Constant as u8, Span(2, 4)), (0, Span(2, 4)), (Instruction::Constant as u8, Span(6, 8)), (1, Span(6, 8)), (Instruction::Return as u8, Span(6, 8)), ], vec![Value::integer(42), Value::integer(42)], vec![] )) ); } #[test] fn add_variables() { let source = "let x = 42; let y = 42; x + y"; let test_chunk = parse(source); assert_eq!( test_chunk, Ok(Chunk::with_data( vec![ (Instruction::DefineVariable as u8, Span(4, 5)), (0, Span(4, 5)), (Instruction::Constant as u8, Span(8, 10)), (0, Span(8, 10)), (Instruction::DefineVariable as u8, Span(16, 17)), (1, Span(16, 17)), (Instruction::Constant as u8, Span(20, 22)), (1, Span(20, 22)), (Instruction::GetVariable as u8, Span(24, 25)), (0, Span(24, 25)), (Instruction::GetVariable as u8, Span(28, 29)), (1, Span(28, 29)), (Instruction::Add as u8, Span(26, 27)), (Instruction::Return as u8, Span(24, 29)), ], vec![Value::integer(42), Value::integer(42)], vec![ Local { identifier: Identifier::new("x"), depth: 0, value_location: ValueLocation::ConstantStack, }, Local { identifier: Identifier::new("y"), depth: 0, value_location: ValueLocation::ConstantStack, }, ], )) ); } #[test] fn let_statement() { let source = "let x = 42;"; let test_chunk = parse(source); assert_eq!( test_chunk, Ok(Chunk::with_data( vec![ (Instruction::DefineVariable as u8, Span(4, 5)), (0, Span(4, 5)), (Instruction::Constant as u8, Span(8, 10)), (0, Span(8, 10)), ], vec![Value::integer(42)], vec![Local { identifier: Identifier::new("x"), depth: 0, value_location: ValueLocation::ConstantStack, }], )) ); } #[test] fn string() { let source = "\"Hello, World!\""; let test_chunk = parse(source); assert_eq!( test_chunk, Ok(Chunk::with_data( vec![ (Instruction::Constant as u8, Span(0, 15)), (0, Span(0, 15)), (Instruction::Return as u8, Span(0, 15)), ], vec![Value::string("Hello, World!")], vec![], )) ); } #[test] fn integer() { let source = "42"; let test_chunk = parse(source); assert_eq!( test_chunk, Ok(Chunk::with_data( vec![ (Instruction::Constant as u8, Span(0, 2)), (0, Span(0, 2)), (Instruction::Return as u8, Span(0, 2)), ], vec![Value::integer(42)], vec![], )) ); } #[test] fn boolean() { let source = "true"; let test_chunk = parse(source); assert_eq!( test_chunk, Ok(Chunk::with_data( vec![ (Instruction::Constant as u8, Span(0, 4)), (0, Span(0, 4)), (Instruction::Return as u8, Span(0, 4)), ], vec![Value::boolean(true)], vec![], )) ); } #[test] fn grouping() { let source = "(42 + 42) * 2"; let test_chunk = parse(source); assert_eq!( test_chunk, Ok(Chunk::with_data( vec![ (Instruction::Constant as u8, Span(1, 3)), (0, Span(1, 3)), (Instruction::Constant as u8, Span(6, 8)), (1, Span(6, 8)), (Instruction::Add as u8, Span(4, 5)), (Instruction::Constant as u8, Span(12, 13)), (2, Span(12, 13)), (Instruction::Multiply as u8, Span(10, 11)), (Instruction::Return as u8, Span(0, 13)), ], vec![Value::integer(42), Value::integer(42), Value::integer(2)], vec![], )) ); } #[test] fn negation() { let source = "-(42)"; let test_chunk = parse(source); assert_eq!( test_chunk, Ok(Chunk::with_data( vec![ (Instruction::Constant as u8, Span(2, 4)), (0, Span(2, 4)), (Instruction::Negate as u8, Span(0, 1)), (Instruction::Return as u8, Span(0, 5)), ], vec![Value::integer(42)], vec![], )) ); } #[test] fn addition() { let source = "42 + 42"; let test_chunk = parse(source); assert_eq!( test_chunk, Ok(Chunk::with_data( vec![ (Instruction::Constant as u8, Span(0, 2)), (0, Span(0, 2)), (Instruction::Constant as u8, Span(5, 7)), (1, Span(5, 7)), (Instruction::Add as u8, Span(3, 4)), (Instruction::Return as u8, Span(0, 7)), ], vec![Value::integer(42), Value::integer(42)], vec![], )) ); } #[test] fn subtraction() { let source = "42 - 42"; let test_chunk = parse(source); assert_eq!( test_chunk, Ok(Chunk::with_data( vec![ (Instruction::Constant as u8, Span(0, 2)), (0, Span(0, 2)), (Instruction::Constant as u8, Span(5, 7)), (1, Span(5, 7)), (Instruction::Subtract as u8, Span(3, 4)), (Instruction::Return as u8, Span(0, 7)), ], vec![Value::integer(42), Value::integer(42)], vec![], )) ); } #[test] fn multiplication() { let source = "42 * 42"; let test_chunk = parse(source); assert_eq!( test_chunk, Ok(Chunk::with_data( vec![ (Instruction::Constant as u8, Span(0, 2)), (0, Span(0, 2)), (Instruction::Constant as u8, Span(5, 7)), (1, Span(5, 7)), (Instruction::Multiply as u8, Span(3, 4)), (Instruction::Return as u8, Span(0, 7)), ], vec![Value::integer(42), Value::integer(42)], vec![], )) ); } #[test] fn division() { let source = "42 / 42"; let test_chunk = parse(source); assert_eq!( test_chunk, Ok(Chunk::with_data( vec![ (Instruction::Constant as u8, Span(0, 2)), (0, Span(0, 2)), (Instruction::Constant as u8, Span(5, 7)), (1, Span(5, 7)), (Instruction::Divide as u8, Span(3, 4)), (Instruction::Return as u8, Span(0, 7)), ], vec![Value::integer(42), Value::integer(42)], vec![], )) ); } }