//! Command line interface for the whale programming language. use clap::Parser; use eframe::{run_native, NativeOptions}; use nu_ansi_term::{Color, Style}; use reedline::{ default_emacs_keybindings, ColumnarMenu, Completer, DefaultHinter, DefaultPrompt, DefaultPromptSegment, EditCommand, Emacs, FileBackedHistory, KeyCode, KeyModifiers, Reedline, ReedlineEvent, ReedlineMenu, Signal, Span, Suggestion, }; use std::{ fs::{self, read_to_string}, path::PathBuf, }; use whale_lib::{ eval, eval_with_context, gui::GuiApp, Macro, MacroInfo, Result, Value, VariableMap, MACRO_LIST, }; /// Command-line arguments to be parsed. #[derive(Parser, Debug)] #[command(author, version, about, long_about = None)] struct Args { /// Whale source code to evaluate. #[arg(short, long)] command: Option, /// Location of the file to run. #[arg(short, long)] path: Option, #[arg(short, long)] gui: bool, } fn main() { let args = Args::parse(); if !args.gui && args.path.is_none() && args.command.is_none() { return run_cli_shell(); } let eval_result = if let Some(path) = args.path { let file_contents = read_to_string(path).unwrap(); eval(&file_contents) } else if let Some(command) = args.command { eval(&command) } else { Ok(Value::Empty) }; if args.gui { return run_gui_shell(eval_result); } match eval_result { Ok(value) => println!("{value}"), Err(error) => eprintln!("{error}"), } } fn run_gui_shell(result: Result) { run_native( &Value::Empty.to_string(), NativeOptions::default(), Box::new(|_cc| Box::new(GuiApp::new(result))), ) .unwrap(); } fn run_cli_shell() { let mut context = VariableMap::new(); let mut line_editor = setup_reedline(); let prompt = DefaultPrompt { left_prompt: DefaultPromptSegment::WorkingDirectory, right_prompt: DefaultPromptSegment::CurrentDateTime, }; loop { let sig = line_editor.read_line(&prompt); match sig { Ok(Signal::Success(buffer)) => { let eval_result = eval_with_context(&buffer, &mut context); match eval_result { Ok(value) => println!("{value}"), Err(error) => eprintln!("{error}"), } } Ok(Signal::CtrlD) | Ok(Signal::CtrlC) => { println!("\nExit"); break; } signal => { println!("Unhandled signal: {:?}", signal); } } } } struct WhaleCompeleter { macro_list: Vec, files: Vec, } impl WhaleCompeleter { pub fn new() -> Self { WhaleCompeleter { macro_list: Vec::new(), files: Vec::new(), } } pub fn set_macro_list(&mut self, macro_list: Vec<&'static dyn Macro>) -> &mut Self { self.macro_list = macro_list .iter() .map(|r#macro| { let MacroInfo { identifier, description, group, inputs, } = r#macro.info(); let description = format!("{description} | {group}"); let inputs = inputs .iter() .map(|value_type| value_type.to_string()) .collect(); Suggestion { value: identifier.to_string(), description: Some(description), extra: Some(inputs), ..Default::default() } }) .collect(); self.macro_list .sort_by_key(|suggestion| suggestion.extra.clone()); self } pub fn get_suggestions(&mut self, start: usize, end: usize) -> Vec { let macro_suggestions = self .macro_list .iter() .cloned() .map(|suggestion| Suggestion { span: Span { start, end }, ..suggestion }); let file_suggestions = self.files.iter().cloned().map(|suggestion| Suggestion { span: Span { start, end }, ..suggestion }); file_suggestions.chain(macro_suggestions).collect() } pub fn update_files(&mut self, mut path: &str) { if path.starts_with('\"') { path = &path[1..]; } let path = PathBuf::from(path); if !path.is_dir() { return; } self.files = fs::read_dir(path) .unwrap() .map(|entry| { let path = entry.unwrap().path(); let path = path.to_string_lossy(); Suggestion { value: format!("\"{path}\""), description: None, ..Default::default() } }) .collect(); } } impl Completer for WhaleCompeleter { fn complete(&mut self, line: &str, pos: usize) -> Vec { let split = line.split(' '); let current_word = split.last().unwrap_or(""); let start = pos.saturating_sub(current_word.len()); let end = line.len(); self.update_files(current_word); self.get_suggestions(start, end) } } fn setup_reedline() -> Reedline { let mut completer = Box::new(WhaleCompeleter::new()); completer.set_macro_list(MACRO_LIST.to_vec()); let completion_menu = Box::new( ColumnarMenu::default() .with_name("completion_menu") .with_columns(1) .with_text_style(Style { foreground: Some(Color::White), is_dimmed: false, ..Default::default() }) .with_description_text_style(Style { is_dimmed: true, ..Default::default() }) .with_selected_text_style(Style { is_bold: true, background: Some(Color::Black), foreground: Some(Color::White), ..Default::default() }), ); let mut keybindings = default_emacs_keybindings(); keybindings.add_binding( KeyModifiers::NONE, KeyCode::Tab, ReedlineEvent::UntilFound(vec![ ReedlineEvent::Menu("completion_menu".to_string()), ReedlineEvent::MenuNext, ]), ); keybindings.add_binding( KeyModifiers::SHIFT, KeyCode::Tab, ReedlineEvent::UntilFound(vec![ ReedlineEvent::Menu("completion_menu".to_string()), ReedlineEvent::MenuPrevious, ]), ); keybindings.add_binding( KeyModifiers::ALT, KeyCode::Enter, ReedlineEvent::Edit(vec![EditCommand::InsertNewline]), ); let edit_mode = Box::new(Emacs::new(keybindings)); let history = Box::new( FileBackedHistory::with_file(100, "target/history.txt".into()) .expect("Error configuring shell history file."), ); let mut hinter = DefaultHinter::default(); hinter = hinter.with_style(Style { foreground: Some(Color::Yellow), ..Default::default() }); Reedline::create() .with_completer(completer) .with_menu(ReedlineMenu::EngineCompleter(completion_menu)) .with_edit_mode(edit_mode) .with_history(history) .with_hinter(Box::new(hinter)) .with_partial_completions(true) .with_quick_completions(true) }