//! Virtual machine and errors use std::{cmp::Ordering, mem::replace}; use crate::{ parse, value::Primitive, AnnotatedError, Chunk, DustError, FunctionType, Instruction, Local, NativeFunction, NativeFunctionError, Operation, Span, Type, Value, ValueError, }; pub fn run(source: &str) -> Result, DustError> { let chunk = parse(source)?; let vm = Vm::new(chunk); vm.run() .map_err(|error| DustError::Runtime { error, source }) } /// Dust virtual machine. /// /// See the [module-level documentation](index.html) for more information. #[derive(Debug, Eq, PartialEq)] pub struct Vm { ip: usize, chunk: Chunk, stack: Vec, last_assigned_register: Option, } impl Vm { const STACK_LIMIT: usize = u16::MAX as usize; pub fn new(chunk: Chunk) -> Self { Self { ip: 0, chunk, stack: Vec::new(), last_assigned_register: None, } } pub fn run(mut self) -> Result, VmError> { // DRY helper to get constant or register values for binary operations fn get_arguments( vm: &mut Vm, instruction: Instruction, position: Span, ) -> Result<(&Value, &Value), VmError> { let left = if instruction.b_is_constant() { vm.chunk.get_constant(instruction.b()).ok_or_else(|| { VmError::ConstantIndexOutOfBounds { index: instruction.b() as usize, position, } })? } else { vm.get_register(instruction.b(), position)? }; let right = if instruction.c_is_constant() { vm.chunk.get_constant(instruction.c()).ok_or_else(|| { VmError::ConstantIndexOutOfBounds { index: instruction.c() as usize, position, } })? } else { vm.get_register(instruction.c(), position)? }; Ok((left, right)) } while let Ok((instruction, position)) = self.read(Span(0, 0)).copied() { log::info!( "{} | {} | {} | {}", self.ip - 1, position, instruction.operation(), instruction.disassembly_info(Some(&self.chunk)) ); match instruction.operation() { Operation::Move => { let to_register = instruction.a(); let from_register = instruction.b(); self.set_pointer(to_register, from_register, position)?; } Operation::Close => { let from_register = instruction.b(); let to_register = instruction.c(); if self.stack.len() < to_register as usize { return Err(VmError::StackUnderflow { position }); } for register_index in from_register..to_register { self.stack[register_index as usize] = Register::Empty; } } Operation::LoadBoolean => { let to_register = instruction.a(); let boolean = instruction.b_as_boolean(); let jump = instruction.c_as_boolean(); let value = Value::boolean(boolean); self.set_register(to_register, value, position)?; if jump { self.ip += 1; } } Operation::LoadConstant => { let to_register = instruction.a(); let from_constant = instruction.b(); let jump = instruction.c_as_boolean(); self.set_constant(to_register, from_constant, position)?; if jump { self.ip += 1 } } Operation::LoadList => { let to_register = instruction.a(); let first_register = instruction.b(); let last_register = instruction.c(); let is_empty = to_register == first_register && first_register == last_register; let item_type = if is_empty { Type::Any } else { self.get_register(first_register, position)?.r#type() }; let value = Value::list(first_register, last_register, item_type); self.set_register(to_register, value, position)?; } Operation::LoadSelf => { let to_register = instruction.a(); let value = Value::function( self.chunk.clone(), FunctionType { type_parameters: None, value_parameters: None, return_type: None, }, ); self.set_register(to_register, value, position)?; } Operation::DefineLocal => { let from_register = instruction.a(); let to_local = instruction.b(); self.define_local(to_local, from_register, position)?; } Operation::GetLocal => { let to_register = instruction.a(); let local_index = instruction.b(); let local = self.get_local(local_index, position)?; self.set_pointer(to_register, local.register_index, position)?; } Operation::SetLocal => { let register = instruction.a(); let local_index = instruction.b(); let local = self.get_local(local_index, position)?; if !local.is_mutable { return Err(VmError::CannotMutateImmutableLocal { identifier: self .chunk .get_identifier(local.identifier_index) .unwrap_or_else(|| "unknown".to_string()), position, }); } self.define_local(local_index, register, position)?; } Operation::Add => { let (left, right) = get_arguments(&mut self, instruction, position)?; let sum = left .add(right) .map_err(|error| VmError::Value { error, position })?; self.set_register(instruction.a(), sum, position)?; } Operation::Subtract => { let (left, right) = get_arguments(&mut self, instruction, position)?; let difference = left .subtract(right) .map_err(|error| VmError::Value { error, position })?; self.set_register(instruction.a(), difference, position)?; } Operation::Multiply => { let (left, right) = get_arguments(&mut self, instruction, position)?; let product = left .multiply(right) .map_err(|error| VmError::Value { error, position })?; self.set_register(instruction.a(), product, position)?; } Operation::Divide => { let (left, right) = get_arguments(&mut self, instruction, position)?; let quotient = left .divide(right) .map_err(|error| VmError::Value { error, position })?; self.set_register(instruction.a(), quotient, position)?; } Operation::Modulo => { let (left, right) = get_arguments(&mut self, instruction, position)?; let remainder = left .modulo(right) .map_err(|error| VmError::Value { error, position })?; self.set_register(instruction.a(), remainder, position)?; } Operation::Test => { let register = instruction.a(); let test_value = instruction.c_as_boolean(); let value = self.get_register(register, position)?; let boolean = if let Value::Primitive(Primitive::Boolean(boolean)) = value { *boolean } else { return Err(VmError::ExpectedBoolean { found: value.clone(), position, }); }; if boolean != test_value { self.ip += 1; } } Operation::TestSet => todo!(), Operation::Equal => { debug_assert_eq!( self.get_instruction(self.ip, position)?.0.operation(), Operation::Jump ); let (left, right) = get_arguments(&mut self, instruction, position)?; let equal_result = left .equal(right) .map_err(|error| VmError::Value { error, position })?; let boolean = if let Value::Primitive(Primitive::Boolean(boolean)) = equal_result { boolean } else { return Err(VmError::ExpectedBoolean { found: equal_result.clone(), position, }); }; let compare_to = instruction.a_as_boolean(); if boolean == compare_to { self.ip += 1; } else { let (jump, _) = self.get_instruction(self.ip, position)?; let jump_distance = jump.a(); let is_positive = jump.b_as_boolean(); let new_ip = if is_positive { self.ip + jump_distance as usize } else { self.ip - jump_distance as usize }; self.ip = new_ip; } } Operation::Less => { debug_assert_eq!( self.get_instruction(self.ip, position)?.0.operation(), Operation::Jump ); let (left, right) = get_arguments(&mut self, instruction, position)?; let less_result = left .less_than(right) .map_err(|error| VmError::Value { error, position })?; let boolean = if let Value::Primitive(Primitive::Boolean(boolean)) = less_result { boolean } else { return Err(VmError::ExpectedBoolean { found: less_result.clone(), position, }); }; let compare_to = instruction.a_as_boolean(); if boolean == compare_to { self.ip += 1; } else { let jump = self.get_instruction(self.ip, position)?.0; let jump_distance = jump.a(); let is_positive = jump.b_as_boolean(); let new_ip = if is_positive { self.ip + jump_distance as usize } else { self.ip - jump_distance as usize }; self.ip = new_ip; } } Operation::LessEqual => { debug_assert_eq!( self.get_instruction(self.ip, position)?.0.operation(), Operation::Jump ); let (left, right) = get_arguments(&mut self, instruction, position)?; let less_or_equal_result = left .less_than_or_equal(right) .map_err(|error| VmError::Value { error, position })?; let boolean = if let Value::Primitive(Primitive::Boolean(boolean)) = less_or_equal_result { boolean } else { return Err(VmError::ExpectedBoolean { found: less_or_equal_result.clone(), position, }); }; let compare_to = instruction.a_as_boolean(); if boolean == compare_to { self.ip += 1; } else { let jump = self.get_instruction(self.ip, position)?.0; let jump_distance = jump.a(); let is_positive = jump.b_as_boolean(); let new_ip = if is_positive { self.ip + jump_distance as usize } else { self.ip - jump_distance as usize }; self.ip = new_ip; } } Operation::Negate => { let value = if instruction.b_is_constant() { self.chunk.get_constant(instruction.b()).ok_or_else(|| { VmError::ConstantIndexOutOfBounds { index: instruction.b() as usize, position, } })? } else { self.get_register(instruction.b(), position)? }; let negated = value .negate() .map_err(|error| VmError::Value { error, position })?; self.set_register(instruction.a(), negated, position)?; } Operation::Not => { let value = if instruction.b_is_constant() { self.chunk.get_constant(instruction.b()).ok_or_else(|| { VmError::ConstantIndexOutOfBounds { index: instruction.b() as usize, position, } })? } else { self.get_register(instruction.b(), position)? }; let not = value .not() .map_err(|error| VmError::Value { error, position })?; self.set_register(instruction.a(), not, position)?; } Operation::Jump => { let jump_distance = instruction.b(); let is_positive = instruction.c_as_boolean(); let new_ip = if is_positive { self.ip + jump_distance as usize } else { self.ip - jump_distance as usize - 1 }; self.ip = new_ip; } Operation::Call => { let to_register = instruction.a(); let function_register = instruction.b(); let argument_count = instruction.c(); let value = self.get_register(function_register, position)?.clone(); let function = if let Value::Function(function) = value { function } else { return Err(VmError::ExpectedFunction { found: value, position, }); }; let mut function_vm = Vm::new(function.take_chunk()); let first_argument_index = function_register + 1; for argument_index in first_argument_index..first_argument_index + argument_count { let argument = match self.get_register(argument_index, position) { Ok(value) => value.clone(), Err(VmError::EmptyRegister { .. }) => continue, Err(error) => return Err(error), }; let top_of_stack = function_vm.stack.len() as u8; function_vm.set_register(top_of_stack, argument, position)?; } let return_value = function_vm.run()?; if let Some(value) = return_value { self.set_register(to_register, value, position)?; } } Operation::CallNative => { let native_function = NativeFunction::from(instruction.b()); let return_value = native_function.call(instruction, &self, position)?; if let Some(value) = return_value { let to_register = instruction.a(); self.set_register(to_register, value, position)?; } } Operation::Return => { let should_return_value = instruction.b_as_boolean(); if !should_return_value { return Ok(None); } if let Some(register) = self.last_assigned_register { let value = self.empty_register(register, position)?; return Ok(Some(value)); } else { return Err(VmError::StackUnderflow { position }); } } } } Ok(None) } fn set_register( &mut self, to_register: u8, value: Value, position: Span, ) -> Result<(), VmError> { let length = self.stack.len(); self.last_assigned_register = Some(to_register); let to_register = to_register as usize; if length == Self::STACK_LIMIT { return Err(VmError::StackOverflow { position }); } match to_register.cmp(&length) { Ordering::Less => { log::trace!("Change R{to_register} to {value}"); self.stack[to_register] = Register::Value(value); Ok(()) } Ordering::Equal => { log::trace!("Set R{to_register} to {value}"); self.stack.push(Register::Value(value)); Ok(()) } Ordering::Greater => { let difference = to_register - length; for index in 0..difference { log::trace!("Set R{index} to empty"); self.stack.push(Register::Empty); } log::trace!("Set R{to_register} to {value}"); self.stack.push(Register::Value(value)); Ok(()) } } } fn set_pointer( &mut self, to_register: u8, from_register: u8, position: Span, ) -> Result<(), VmError> { let length = self.stack.len(); self.last_assigned_register = Some(to_register); let to_register = to_register as usize; if length == Self::STACK_LIMIT { return Err(VmError::StackOverflow { position }); } match to_register.cmp(&length) { Ordering::Less => { log::trace!("Change R{to_register} to R{from_register}"); self.stack[to_register] = Register::Pointer(from_register); Ok(()) } Ordering::Equal => { log::trace!("Set R{to_register} to R{from_register}"); self.stack.push(Register::Pointer(from_register)); Ok(()) } Ordering::Greater => { let difference = to_register - length; for index in 0..difference { log::trace!("Set R{index} to empty"); self.stack.push(Register::Empty); } log::trace!("Set R{to_register} to R{from_register}"); self.stack.push(Register::Pointer(from_register)); Ok(()) } } } fn set_constant( &mut self, to_register: u8, constant_index: u8, position: Span, ) -> Result<(), VmError> { let length = self.stack.len(); self.last_assigned_register = Some(to_register); let to_register = to_register as usize; if length == Self::STACK_LIMIT { return Err(VmError::StackOverflow { position }); } match to_register.cmp(&length) { Ordering::Less => { log::trace!("Change R{to_register} to C{constant_index}"); self.stack[to_register] = Register::Constant(constant_index); Ok(()) } Ordering::Equal => { log::trace!("Set R{to_register} to C{constant_index}"); self.stack.push(Register::Constant(constant_index)); Ok(()) } Ordering::Greater => { let difference = to_register - length; for index in 0..difference { log::trace!("Set R{index} to empty"); self.stack.push(Register::Empty); } log::trace!("Set R{to_register} to C{constant_index}"); self.stack.push(Register::Constant(constant_index)); Ok(()) } } } pub fn get_register(&self, index: u8, position: Span) -> Result<&Value, VmError> { let index = index as usize; let register = self .stack .get(index) .ok_or_else(|| VmError::RegisterIndexOutOfBounds { index, position })?; match register { Register::Value(value) => Ok(value), Register::Pointer(register_index) => self.get_register(*register_index, position), Register::Constant(constant_index) => self .chunk .get_constant(*constant_index) .ok_or_else(|| VmError::ConstantIndexOutOfBounds { index: *constant_index as usize, position, }), Register::Empty => Err(VmError::EmptyRegister { index, position }), } } fn empty_register(mut self, index: u8, position: Span) -> Result { let index = index as usize; if index >= self.stack.len() { return Err(VmError::RegisterIndexOutOfBounds { index, position }); } let register = replace(&mut self.stack[index], Register::Empty); match register { Register::Value(value) => Ok(value), Register::Pointer(register_index) => { let value = self.empty_register(register_index, position)?; Ok(value) } Register::Constant(constant_index) => { let value = self.chunk.take_constants().remove(constant_index as usize); Ok(value) } Register::Empty => Err(VmError::EmptyRegister { index, position }), } } fn read(&mut self, position: Span) -> Result<&(Instruction, Span), VmError> { if self.ip >= self.chunk.len() { self.ip = self.chunk.len() - 1; } let current = self.chunk.instructions().get(self.ip).ok_or_else(|| { VmError::InstructionIndexOutOfBounds { index: self.ip, position, } })?; self.ip += 1; Ok(current) } fn define_local( &mut self, local_index: u8, register_index: u8, position: Span, ) -> Result<(), VmError> { let local = self .chunk .locals_mut() .get_mut(local_index as usize) .ok_or_else(|| VmError::LocalIndexOutOfBounds { index: local_index as usize, position, })?; log::debug!("Define local L{}", local_index); local.register_index = register_index; Ok(()) } fn get_local(&self, local_index: u8, position: Span) -> Result<&Local, VmError> { let local_index = local_index as usize; self.chunk .locals() .get(local_index) .ok_or_else(|| VmError::LocalIndexOutOfBounds { index: local_index, position, }) } fn get_instruction( &self, index: usize, position: Span, ) -> Result<&(Instruction, Span), VmError> { self.chunk .instructions() .get(index) .ok_or_else(|| VmError::InstructionIndexOutOfBounds { index, position }) } } #[derive(Debug, Eq, PartialEq)] enum Register { Empty, Value(Value), Pointer(u8), Constant(u8), } #[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq)] pub enum VmError { CannotMutateImmutableLocal { identifier: String, position: Span, }, EmptyRegister { index: usize, position: Span, }, ExpectedBoolean { found: Value, position: Span, }, ExpectedFunction { found: Value, position: Span, }, ConstantIndexOutOfBounds { index: usize, position: Span, }, RegisterIndexOutOfBounds { index: usize, position: Span, }, InstructionIndexOutOfBounds { index: usize, position: Span, }, LocalIndexOutOfBounds { index: usize, position: Span, }, InvalidInstruction { instruction: Instruction, position: Span, }, StackOverflow { position: Span, }, StackUnderflow { position: Span, }, UndefinedVariable { identifier: String, position: Span, }, // Wrappers for foreign errors NativeFunction(NativeFunctionError), Value { error: ValueError, position: Span, }, } impl AnnotatedError for VmError { fn title() -> &'static str { "Runtime Error" } fn description(&self) -> &'static str { match self { Self::CannotMutateImmutableLocal { .. } => "Cannot mutate immutable variable", Self::ConstantIndexOutOfBounds { .. } => "Constant index out of bounds", Self::EmptyRegister { .. } => "Empty register", Self::ExpectedBoolean { .. } => "Expected boolean", Self::ExpectedFunction { .. } => "Expected function", Self::RegisterIndexOutOfBounds { .. } => "Register index out of bounds", Self::InstructionIndexOutOfBounds { .. } => "Instruction index out of bounds", Self::InvalidInstruction { .. } => "Invalid instruction", Self::LocalIndexOutOfBounds { .. } => "Local index out of bounds", Self::StackOverflow { .. } => "Stack overflow", Self::StackUnderflow { .. } => "Stack underflow", Self::UndefinedVariable { .. } => "Undefined variable", Self::NativeFunction(error) => error.description(), Self::Value { .. } => "Value error", } } fn details(&self) -> Option { match self { Self::ConstantIndexOutOfBounds { index, .. } => { Some(format!("Constant C{index} does not exist")) } Self::EmptyRegister { index, .. } => Some(format!("Register {index} is empty")), Self::ExpectedFunction { found, .. } => Some(format!("{found} is not a function")), Self::RegisterIndexOutOfBounds { index, .. } => { Some(format!("Register {index} does not exist")) } Self::InstructionIndexOutOfBounds { index, .. } => { Some(format!("Instruction {index} does not exist")) } Self::LocalIndexOutOfBounds { index, .. } => { Some(format!("Local L{index} does not exist")) } Self::UndefinedVariable { identifier, .. } => { Some(format!("{identifier} is not in scope")) } Self::NativeFunction(error) => error.details(), Self::Value { error, .. } => Some(error.to_string()), _ => None, } } fn position(&self) -> Span { match self { Self::CannotMutateImmutableLocal { position, .. } => *position, Self::ConstantIndexOutOfBounds { position, .. } => *position, Self::EmptyRegister { position, .. } => *position, Self::ExpectedBoolean { position, .. } => *position, Self::ExpectedFunction { position, .. } => *position, Self::RegisterIndexOutOfBounds { position, .. } => *position, Self::InstructionIndexOutOfBounds { position, .. } => *position, Self::InvalidInstruction { position, .. } => *position, Self::LocalIndexOutOfBounds { position, .. } => *position, Self::StackUnderflow { position } => *position, Self::StackOverflow { position } => *position, Self::UndefinedVariable { position, .. } => *position, Self::NativeFunction(error) => error.position(), Self::Value { position, .. } => *position, } } }