use std::{ fmt::{self, Display, Formatter}, io::{self, stdin, stdout, Write}, string::{self}, }; use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize}; use crate::{AnnotatedError, FunctionType, Instruction, Primitive, Span, Type, Value, Vm, VmError}; macro_rules! impl_from_str_for_native_function { ($(($name:ident, $byte:literal, $str:expr, $type:expr)),*) => { #[derive(Clone, Debug, Eq, PartialEq, PartialOrd, Ord, Serialize, Deserialize)] pub enum NativeFunction { $( $name = $byte as isize, )* } impl NativeFunction { pub fn as_str(&self) -> &'static str { match self { $( NativeFunction::$name => $str, )* } } #[allow(clippy::should_implement_trait)] pub fn from_str(string: &str) -> Option { match string { $( $str => Some(NativeFunction::$name), )* _ => None, } } pub fn r#type(&self) -> FunctionType { match self { $( NativeFunction::$name => $type, )* } } } impl From for NativeFunction { fn from(byte: u8) -> Self { match byte { $( $byte => NativeFunction::$name, )* _ => { if cfg!(test) { panic!("Invalid native function byte: {}", byte) } else { NativeFunction::Panic } } } } } impl From for u8 { fn from(native_function: NativeFunction) -> Self { match native_function { $( NativeFunction::$name => $byte, )* } } } }; } impl_from_str_for_native_function! { // Assertion ( Assert, 0_u8, "assert", FunctionType { type_parameters: None, value_parameters: None, return_type: None } ), // (AssertEqual, 1_u8, "assert_equal", false), // (AssertNotEqual, 2_u8, "assert_not_equal", false), ( Panic, 3_u8, "panic", FunctionType { type_parameters: None, value_parameters: None, return_type: Some(Box::new(Type::Any)) } ), // // Type conversion // (Parse, 4_u8, "parse", true), // (ToByte, 5_u8, "to_byte", true), // (ToFloat, 6_u8, "to_float", true), // (ToInteger, 7_u8, "to_integer", true), ( ToString, 8_u8, "to_string", FunctionType { type_parameters: None, value_parameters: Some(vec![(0, Type::Any)]), return_type: Some(Box::new(Type::String { length: None })) } ), // // List and string // (All, 9_u8, "all", true), // (Any, 10_u8, "any", true), // (Append, 11_u8, "append", false), // (Contains, 12_u8, "contains", true), // (Dedup, 13_u8, "dedup", false), // (EndsWith, 14_u8, "ends_with", true), // (Find, 15_u8, "find", true), // (Get, 16_u8, "get", true), // (IndexOf, 17_u8, "index_of", true), // (Length, 18_u8, "length", true), // (Prepend, 19_u8, "prepend", false), // (Replace, 20_u8, "replace", false), // (Set, 21_u8, "set", false), // (StartsWith, 22_u8, "starts_with", true), // (Slice, 23_u8, "slice", true), // (Sort, 24_u8, "sort", false), // (Split, 25_u8, "split", true), // // List // (Flatten, 26_u8, "flatten", false), // (Join, 27_u8, "join", true), // (Map, 28_u8, "map", true), // (Reduce, 29_u8, "reduce", true), // (Remove, 30_u8, "remove", false), // (Reverse, 31_u8, "reverse", false), // (Unzip, 32_u8, "unzip", true), // (Zip, 33_u8, "zip", true), // // String // (Bytes, 34_u8, "bytes", true), // (CharAt, 35_u8, "char_at", true), // (CharCodeAt, 36_u8, "char_code_at", true), // (Chars, 37_u8, "chars", true), // (Format, 38_u8, "format", true), // (Repeat, 39_u8, "repeat", true), // (SplitAt, 40_u8, "split_at", true), // (SplitLines, 41_u8, "split_lines", true), // (SplitWhitespace, 42_u8, "split_whitespace", true), // (ToLowerCase, 43_u8, "to_lower_case", true), // (ToUpperCase, 44_u8, "to_upper_case", true), // (Trim, 45_u8, "trim", true), // (TrimEnd, 46_u8, "trim_end", true), // (TrimStart, 47_u8, "trim_start", true), // // I/O // // Read // (Read, 48_u8, "read", true), // (ReadFile, 49_u8, "read_file", true), ( ReadLine, 50_u8, "read_line", FunctionType { type_parameters: None, value_parameters: None, return_type: Some(Box::new(Type::String { length: None })) } ), // (ReadTo, 51_u8, "read_to", false), // (ReadUntil, 52_u8, "read_until", true), // // Write // (AppendFile, 53_u8, "append_file", false), // (PrependFile, 54_u8, "prepend_file", false), ( Write, 55_u8, "write", FunctionType { type_parameters: None, value_parameters: Some(vec![(0, Type::String { length: None })]), return_type: None } ), // (WriteFile, 56_u8, "write_file", false), ( WriteLine, 57_u8, "write_line", FunctionType { type_parameters: None, value_parameters: Some(vec![(0, Type::String { length: None })]), return_type: None } ) // // Random // (Random, 58_u8, "random", true), // (RandomInRange, 59_u8, "random_in_range", true) } impl NativeFunction { pub fn call( &self, instruction: Instruction, vm: &Vm, position: Span, ) -> Result, VmError> { let to_register = instruction.a(); let argument_count = instruction.c(); let return_value = match self { NativeFunction::Panic => { let message = if argument_count == 0 { None } else { let mut message = String::new(); for argument_index in 0..argument_count { if argument_index != 0 { message.push(' '); } let argument = vm.get_register(argument_index, position)?; message.push_str(&argument.to_string()); } Some(message) }; return Err(VmError::NativeFunction(NativeFunctionError::Panic { message, position, })); } // Type conversion NativeFunction::ToString => { let mut string = String::new(); for argument_index in 0..argument_count { let argument = vm.get_register(argument_index, position)?; string.push_str(&argument.to_string()); } Some(Value::Primitive(Primitive::String(string))) } // I/O NativeFunction::ReadLine => { let mut buffer = String::new(); stdin().read_line(&mut buffer).map_err(|io_error| { VmError::NativeFunction(NativeFunctionError::Io { error: io_error.kind(), position, }) })?; buffer = buffer.trim_end_matches('\n').to_string(); Some(Value::Primitive(Primitive::String(buffer))) } NativeFunction::Write => { let to_register = instruction.a(); let mut stdout = stdout(); let map_err = |io_error: io::Error| { VmError::NativeFunction(NativeFunctionError::Io { error: io_error.kind(), position, }) }; let first_argument = to_register.saturating_sub(argument_count); let last_argument = to_register.saturating_sub(1); for argument_index in first_argument..=last_argument { if argument_index != first_argument { stdout.write(b" ").map_err(map_err)?; } let argument_string = vm.get_register(argument_index, position)?.to_string(); stdout .write_all(argument_string.as_bytes()) .map_err(map_err)?; } None } NativeFunction::WriteLine => { let mut stdout = stdout(); let map_err = |io_error: io::Error| { VmError::NativeFunction(NativeFunctionError::Io { error: io_error.kind(), position, }) }; let first_argument = to_register.saturating_sub(argument_count); let last_argument = to_register.saturating_sub(1); for argument_index in first_argument..=last_argument { if argument_index != 0 { stdout.write(b" ").map_err(map_err)?; } let argument_string = vm.get_register(argument_index, position)?.to_string(); stdout .write_all(argument_string.as_bytes()) .map_err(map_err)?; } stdout.write(b"\n").map_err(map_err)?; None } _ => todo!(), }; Ok(return_value) } } impl Display for NativeFunction { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter) -> fmt::Result { write!(f, "{}", self.as_str()) } } #[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq)] pub enum NativeFunctionError { ExpectedArgumentCount { expected: usize, found: usize, position: Span, }, Panic { message: Option, position: Span, }, Parse { error: string::ParseError, position: Span, }, Io { error: io::ErrorKind, position: Span, }, } impl AnnotatedError for NativeFunctionError { fn title() -> &'static str { "Native Function Error" } fn description(&self) -> &'static str { match self { NativeFunctionError::ExpectedArgumentCount { .. } => { "Expected a different number of arguments" } NativeFunctionError::Panic { .. } => "Explicit panic", NativeFunctionError::Parse { .. } => "Failed to parse value", NativeFunctionError::Io { .. } => "I/O error", } } fn details(&self) -> Option { match self { NativeFunctionError::ExpectedArgumentCount { expected, found, .. } => Some(format!("Expected {} arguments, found {}", expected, found)), NativeFunctionError::Panic { message, .. } => message.clone(), NativeFunctionError::Parse { error, .. } => Some(format!("{}", error)), NativeFunctionError::Io { error, .. } => Some(format!("{}", error)), } } fn position(&self) -> Span { match self { NativeFunctionError::ExpectedArgumentCount { position, .. } => *position, NativeFunctionError::Panic { position, .. } => *position, NativeFunctionError::Parse { position, .. } => *position, NativeFunctionError::Io { position, .. } => *position, } } }