//! Error and Result types. //! //! To deal with errors from dependencies, either create a new error variant //! or use the MacroFailure variant if the error can only occur inside a macro. use crate::{ operator::Operator, token::PartialToken, value::value_type::ValueType, value::Value, Node, ToolInfo, }; use std::{fmt, io, time::SystemTimeError}; pub type Result = std::result::Result; #[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq)] #[non_exhaustive] pub enum Error { /// The 'assert' macro did not resolve successfully. AssertEqualFailed { expected: Value, actual: Value, }, /// The 'assert' macro did not resolve successfully. AssertFailed, /// A row was inserted to a table with the wrong amount of values. WrongColumnAmount { expected: usize, actual: usize, }, /// An operator was called with the wrong amount of arguments. ExpectedOperatorArgumentAmount { expected: usize, actual: usize, }, /// A function was called with the wrong amount of arguments. ExpectedFunctionArgumentAmount { identifier: String, expected: usize, actual: usize, }, /// A function was called with the wrong amount of arguments. ExpectedAtLeastFunctionArgumentAmount { identifier: String, minimum: usize, actual: usize, }, ExpectedString { actual: Value, }, ExpectedInt { actual: Value, }, ExpectedFloat { actual: Value, }, /// An integer, floating point or value was expected. ExpectedNumber { actual: Value, }, /// An integer, floating point or string value was expected. ExpectedNumberOrString { actual: Value, }, ExpectedBoolean { actual: Value, }, ExpectedList { actual: Value, }, ExpectedFixedLenList { expected_len: usize, actual: Value, }, ExpectedEmpty { actual: Value, }, ExpectedMap { actual: Value, }, ExpectedTable { actual: Value, }, ExpectedFunction { actual: Value, }, /// A string, list, map or table value was expected. ExpectedCollection { actual: Value, }, /// Tried to append a child to a leaf node. /// Leaf nodes cannot have children. AppendedToLeafNode(Node), /// Tried to append a child to a node such that the precedence of the child /// is not higher. This error should never occur. If it does, please file a /// bug report. PrecedenceViolation, /// A `VariableIdentifier` operation did not find its value in the context. VariableIdentifierNotFound(String), /// A `FunctionIdentifier` operation did not find its value in the context. FunctionIdentifierNotFound(String), /// A value has the wrong type. /// Only use this if there is no other error that describes the expected and /// provided types in more detail. TypeError { /// The expected types. expected: &'static [ValueType], /// The actual value. actual: Value, }, /// A macro or function was called with the wrong type of input. MacroArgumentType { /// The macro that was called. macro_info: ToolInfo<'static>, /// The actual value. actual: Value, }, /// An operator is used with a wrong combination of types. WrongTypeCombination { /// The operator that whose evaluation caused the error. operator: Operator, /// The types that were used in the operator causing it to fail. actual: Vec, }, /// An opening brace without a matching closing brace was found. UnmatchedLBrace, /// A closing brace without a matching opening brace was found. UnmatchedRBrace, /// Left of an opening brace or right of a closing brace is a token that does not expect the brace next to it. /// For example, writing `4(5)` would yield this error, as the `4` does not have any operands. MissingOperatorOutsideOfBrace, /// A `PartialToken` is unmatched, such that it cannot be combined into a full `Token`. /// This happens if for example a single `=` is found, surrounded by whitespace. /// It is not a token, but it is part of the string representation of some tokens. UnmatchedPartialToken { /// The unmatched partial token. first: PartialToken, /// The token that follows the unmatched partial token and that cannot be matched to the partial token, or `None`, if `first` is the last partial token in the stream. second: Option, }, /// An addition operation performed by Rust failed. AdditionError { /// The first argument of the addition. augend: Value, /// The second argument of the addition. addend: Value, }, /// A subtraction operation performed by Rust failed. SubtractionError { /// The first argument of the subtraction. minuend: Value, /// The second argument of the subtraction. subtrahend: Value, }, /// A negation operation performed by Rust failed. NegationError { /// The argument of the negation. argument: Value, }, /// A multiplication operation performed by Rust failed. MultiplicationError { /// The first argument of the multiplication. multiplicand: Value, /// The second argument of the multiplication. multiplier: Value, }, /// A division operation performed by Rust failed. DivisionError { /// The first argument of the division. dividend: Value, /// The second argument of the division. divisor: Value, }, /// A modulation operation performed by Rust failed. ModulationError { /// The first argument of the modulation. dividend: Value, /// The second argument of the modulation. divisor: Value, }, /// A regular expression could not be parsed InvalidRegex { /// The invalid regular expression regex: String, /// Failure message from the regex engine message: String, }, /// A modification was attempted on a `Context` that does not allow modifications. ContextNotMutable, /// An escape sequence within a string literal is illegal. IllegalEscapeSequence(String), /// This context does not allow enabling builtin functions. BuiltinFunctionsCannotBeEnabled, /// This context does not allow disabling builtin functions. BuiltinFunctionsCannotBeDisabled, /// The function failed due to an external error. MacroFailure(String), /// A custom error explained by its message. CustomMessage(String), } impl From for Error { fn from(value: csv::Error) -> Self { Error::MacroFailure(value.to_string()) } } impl From for Error { fn from(value: json::Error) -> Self { Error::MacroFailure(value.to_string()) } } impl From for Error { fn from(value: std::io::Error) -> Self { Error::MacroFailure(value.to_string()) } } impl From for Error { fn from(value: git2::Error) -> Self { Error::MacroFailure(value.to_string()) } } impl From for Error { fn from(value: reqwest::Error) -> Self { Error::MacroFailure(value.to_string()) } } impl From for Error { fn from(value: serde_json::Error) -> Self { Error::MacroFailure(value.to_string()) } } impl From for Error { fn from(value: sys_info::Error) -> Self { Error::MacroFailure(value.to_string()) } } impl From for Error { fn from(value: SystemTimeError) -> Self { Error::MacroFailure(value.to_string()) } } impl From for Error { fn from(value: trash::Error) -> Self { Error::MacroFailure(value.to_string()) } } impl Error { pub(crate) fn expect_operator_argument_amount(actual: usize, expected: usize) -> Result<()> { if actual == expected { Ok(()) } else { Err(Error::ExpectedOperatorArgumentAmount { expected, actual }) } } pub(crate) fn expect_function_argument_amount( identifier: &str, actual: usize, expected: usize, ) -> Result<()> { if actual == expected { Ok(()) } else { Err(Error::ExpectedFunctionArgumentAmount { identifier: identifier.to_string(), expected, actual, }) } } pub(crate) fn expected_minimum_function_argument_amount( identifier: &str, actual: usize, minimum: usize, ) -> Result<()> { if actual >= minimum { Ok(()) } else { Err(Error::ExpectedAtLeastFunctionArgumentAmount { identifier: identifier.to_string(), minimum, actual, }) } } pub fn type_error(actual: Value, expected: &'static [ValueType]) -> Self { Error::TypeError { actual, expected } } pub fn wrong_type_combination(operator: Operator, actual: Vec) -> Self { Error::WrongTypeCombination { operator, actual } } pub fn expected_string(actual: Value) -> Self { Error::ExpectedString { actual } } pub fn expected_int(actual: Value) -> Self { Error::ExpectedInt { actual } } pub fn expected_float(actual: Value) -> Self { Error::ExpectedFloat { actual } } pub fn expected_number(actual: Value) -> Self { Error::ExpectedNumber { actual } } pub fn expected_number_or_string(actual: Value) -> Self { Error::ExpectedNumberOrString { actual } } pub fn expected_boolean(actual: Value) -> Self { Error::ExpectedBoolean { actual } } pub fn expected_list(actual: Value) -> Self { Error::ExpectedList { actual } } pub fn expected_fixed_len_list(expected_len: usize, actual: Value) -> Self { Error::ExpectedFixedLenList { expected_len, actual, } } pub fn expected_empty(actual: Value) -> Self { Error::ExpectedEmpty { actual } } pub fn expected_map(actual: Value) -> Self { Error::ExpectedMap { actual } } pub fn expected_table(actual: Value) -> Self { Error::ExpectedTable { actual } } pub fn expected_function(actual: Value) -> Self { Error::ExpectedFunction { actual } } pub fn expected_collection(actual: Value) -> Self { Error::ExpectedCollection { actual } } pub(crate) fn unmatched_partial_token( first: PartialToken, second: Option, ) -> Self { Error::UnmatchedPartialToken { first, second } } pub(crate) fn addition_error(augend: Value, addend: Value) -> Self { Error::AdditionError { augend, addend } } pub(crate) fn subtraction_error(minuend: Value, subtrahend: Value) -> Self { Error::SubtractionError { minuend, subtrahend, } } pub(crate) fn negation_error(argument: Value) -> Self { Error::NegationError { argument } } pub(crate) fn multiplication_error(multiplicand: Value, multiplier: Value) -> Self { Error::MultiplicationError { multiplicand, multiplier, } } pub(crate) fn division_error(dividend: Value, divisor: Value) -> Self { Error::DivisionError { dividend, divisor } } pub(crate) fn modulation_error(dividend: Value, divisor: Value) -> Self { Error::ModulationError { dividend, divisor } } /// Constructs `EvalexprError::InvalidRegex(regex)` pub fn invalid_regex(regex: String, message: String) -> Self { Error::InvalidRegex { regex, message } } } /// Returns `Ok(())` if the given value is a string or a numeric. pub fn expect_number_or_string(actual: &Value) -> Result<()> { match actual { Value::String(_) | Value::Float(_) | Value::Integer(_) => Ok(()), _ => Err(Error::expected_number_or_string(actual.clone())), } } /// Returns `Ok(())` if the given value is a String, List, Map or Table. pub fn _expect_collection(actual: &Value) -> Result<()> { match actual { Value::String(_) | Value::List(_) | Value::Map(_) | Value::Table(_) => Ok(()), _ => Err(Error::expected_collection(actual.clone())), } } impl std::error::Error for Error {} impl fmt::Display for Error { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result { use Error::*; match self { AssertEqualFailed {expected, actual } => write!(f, "Equality assertion failed. {expected} does not equal {actual}."), AssertFailed => write!(f, "Assertion failed. A false value was passed to \"assert\"."), ExpectedOperatorArgumentAmount { expected, actual } => write!( f, "An operator expected {} arguments, but got {}.", expected, actual ), ExpectedFunctionArgumentAmount { expected, actual, identifier, } => write!( f, "{identifier} expected {expected} arguments, but got {actual}.", ), ExpectedAtLeastFunctionArgumentAmount { minimum, actual, identifier, } => write!( f, "{identifier} expected a minimum of {minimum} arguments, but got {actual}.", ), ExpectedString { actual } => { write!(f, "Expected a Value::String, but got {:?}.", actual) } ExpectedInt { actual } => write!(f, "Expected a Value::Int, but got {:?}.", actual), ExpectedFloat { actual } => write!(f, "Expected a Value::Float, but got {:?}.", actual), ExpectedNumber { actual } => write!( f, "Expected a Value::Float or Value::Int, but got {:?}.", actual ), ExpectedNumberOrString { actual } => write!( f, "Expected a Value::Number or a Value::String, but got {:?}.", actual ), ExpectedBoolean { actual } => { write!(f, "Expected a Value::Boolean, but got {:?}.", actual) } ExpectedList { actual } => write!(f, "Expected a Value::Tuple, but got {:?}.", actual), ExpectedFixedLenList { expected_len, actual, } => write!( f, "Expected a Value::Tuple of len {}, but got {:?}.", expected_len, actual ), ExpectedEmpty { actual } => write!(f, "Expected a Value::Empty, but got {:?}.", actual), ExpectedMap { actual } => write!(f, "Expected a Value::Map, but got {:?}.", actual), ExpectedTable { actual } => write!(f, "Expected a Value::Table, but got {:?}.", actual), ExpectedFunction { actual } => { write!(f, "Expected Value::Function, but got {:?}.", actual) } ExpectedCollection { actual } => { write!( f, "Expected a string, list, map or table, but got {:?}.", actual ) } AppendedToLeafNode(node) => write!(f, "Syntax error at \"{node}\"."), PrecedenceViolation => write!( f, "Tried to append a node to another node with higher precedence." ), VariableIdentifierNotFound(identifier) => write!( f, "Variable identifier is not bound to anything by context: {:?}.", identifier ), FunctionIdentifierNotFound(identifier) => write!( f, "Function identifier is not bound to anything by context: {:?}.", identifier ), TypeError { expected, actual } => { write!( f, "Type Error. The value {actual} is not one of the following: {expected:?}.", ) } WrongTypeCombination { operator, actual } => write!( f, "The operator {:?} was called with a wrong combination of types: {:?}", operator, actual ), UnmatchedLBrace => write!(f, "Found an unmatched opening parenthesis '('."), UnmatchedRBrace => write!(f, "Found an unmatched closing parenthesis ')'."), MissingOperatorOutsideOfBrace { .. } => write!( f, "Found an opening parenthesis that is preceded by something that does not take \ any arguments on the right, or found a closing parenthesis that is succeeded by \ something that does not take any arguments on the left." ), UnmatchedPartialToken { first, second } => { if let Some(second) = second { write!( f, "Found a partial token '{}' that should not be followed by '{}'.", first, second ) } else { write!( f, "Found a partial token '{}' that should be followed by another partial \ token.", first ) } } AdditionError { augend, addend } => write!(f, "Error adding {} + {}", augend, addend), SubtractionError { minuend, subtrahend, } => write!(f, "Error subtracting {} - {}", minuend, subtrahend), NegationError { argument } => write!(f, "Error negating -{}", argument), MultiplicationError { multiplicand, multiplier, } => write!(f, "Error multiplying {} * {}", multiplicand, multiplier), DivisionError { dividend, divisor } => { write!(f, "Error dividing {} / {}", dividend, divisor) } ModulationError { dividend, divisor } => { write!(f, "Error modulating {} % {}", dividend, divisor) } InvalidRegex { regex, message } => write!( f, "Regular expression {:?} is invalid: {:?}", regex, message ), ContextNotMutable => write!(f, "Cannot manipulate context"), BuiltinFunctionsCannotBeEnabled => { write!(f, "This context does not allow enabling builtin functions") } BuiltinFunctionsCannotBeDisabled => { write!(f, "This context does not allow disabling builtin functions") } IllegalEscapeSequence(string) => write!(f, "Illegal escape sequence: {}", string), MacroFailure(message) => write!(f, "Function failure: {}", message), CustomMessage(message) => write!(f, "Error: {}", message), WrongColumnAmount { expected, actual } => write!( f, "Wrong number of columns for this table. Expected {expected}, found {actual}." ), MacroArgumentType { macro_info, actual, } => write!( f, "Wrong argument of type {:?} was passed to {}. Expected one of the following types: {:?}.", actual.value_type(), macro_info.identifier, macro_info.inputs ), } } }