
216 lines
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Raw Normal View History

2024-06-13 23:16:24 +00:00
#version 440 core
#include <globals.glsl>
#include <constants.glsl>
layout(location = 0) in vec2 f_uv;
layout(location = 1) in vec4 f_color;
layout(location = 2) flat in vec2 f_scale;
layout(location = 3) flat in uint f_mode;
layout (std140, set = 1, binding = 0)
uniform u_locals {
vec4 w_pos;
layout(set = 2, binding = 0)
uniform texture2D t_tex;
layout(set = 2, binding = 1)
uniform sampler s_tex;
layout (std140, set = 2, binding = 2)
uniform tex_locals {
uvec2 texture_size;
layout(location = 0) out vec4 tgt_color;
// Adjusts the provided uv value to account for coverage of pixels from the
// sampled texture by the current fragment when upscaling.
// * `pos` - Position in the sampled texture in pixel coordinates. This is
// where the center of the current fragment lies on the sampled texture.
// * `scale` - Scaling of pixels from the sampled texture to the render target.
// This is the amount of fragments that each pixel from the sampled texture
// covers.
float upscale_adjust(float pos, float scale) {
// To retain crisp borders of upscaled pixel art, images are upscaled
// following the algorithm outlined here:
// `min(x * scale, 0.5) + max((x - 1.0) * scale, 0.0)`
float frac = fract(pos);
// Right of nearest pixel in the sampled texture.
float base = floor(pos);
// This will be 0.5 when the current fragment lies entirely inside a pixel
// in the sampled texture.
float adjustment = min(frac * scale, 0.5) + max((frac - 1.0) * scale + 0.5, 0.0);
return base + adjustment;
// Computes info needed for downscaling using two samples in a single
// dimension. This info includes the two position to sample at (called
// `offsets` even though they aren't actually offsets from the supplied
// position) and the `weights` to multiply each of those samples by before
// combining them.
// See `upscale_adjust` for semantics of `pos` and `scale` parameters.
// Ouput via `weights` and `offsets` parameters.
void downscale_params(float pos, float scale, out vec2 weights, out vec2 offsets) {
// For `scale` 0.33333..1.0 we round to the nearest pixel edge and split
// there. We compute the length of each side. Then the sampling point is
// computed as this distance from the split point via this formula where
// `l` is the length of that side of split:
// `1.5 - (1.0 / max(l, 1.0))`
// For `scale` ..0.3333 the current fragment can potentially span more than
// 4 pixels (within a single dimension) in the sampled texture. So we can't
// perfectly compute the contribution of each covered pixel in the sampled
// texture with only 2 samples (along each dimension). Thus, we fallback to
// an imperfect technique of just sampling 1 pixel length from the center
// on each side of the nearest pixel edge. An alternative might be to
// pre-compute mipmap levels that could be sampled from, although this
// could interact poorly with the atlas.
if (scale > (1.0 / 3.0)) {
// Width of the fragment in terms of pixels in the sampled texture.
float width = 1.0 / scale;
// Right side of the fragment in the sampled texture.
float right = pos - width / 2.0;
float split = round(pos);
float right_len = split - right;
float left_len = width - right_len;
float right_sample_offset = 1.5 - (1.0 / max(right_len, 1.0));
float left_sample_offset = 1.5 - (1.0 / max(left_len, 1.0));
offsets = vec2(split) + vec2(-right_sample_offset, left_sample_offset);
weights = vec2(right_len, left_len) / width;
} else {
offsets = round(pos) + vec2(-1.0, 1.0);
// We split in the middle so weights for both sides are the same.
weights = vec2(0.5);
// 1 sample
vec4 upscale_xy(vec2 uv_pixel, vec2 scale) {
// When slowly panning something (e.g. the map), a very small amount of
// wobbling is still observable (not as much as nearest sampling). It
// is possible to eliminate this by making the edges slightly blurry by
// lowering the scale a bit here. However, this does make edges little
// less crisp and can cause bleeding in from other images packed into
// the atlas in the current setup.
vec2 adjusted = vec2(upscale_adjust(uv_pixel.x, scale.x), upscale_adjust(uv_pixel.y, scale.y));
// Convert back to 0.0..1.0 by dividing by texture size.
vec2 uv = adjusted / texture_size;
return textureLod(sampler2D(t_tex, s_tex), uv, 0);
// 2 samples
vec4 upscale_x_downscale_y(vec2 uv_pixel, vec2 scale) {
float x_adjusted = upscale_adjust(uv_pixel.x, scale.x);
vec2 weights, offsets;
downscale_params(uv_pixel.y, scale.y, weights, offsets);
vec2 uv0 = vec2(x_adjusted, offsets[0]) / texture_size;
vec2 uv1 = vec2(x_adjusted, offsets[1]) / texture_size;
vec4 s0 = textureLod(sampler2D(t_tex, s_tex), uv0, 0);
vec4 s1 = textureLod(sampler2D(t_tex, s_tex), uv1, 0);
return s0 * weights[0] + s1 * weights[1];
// 2 samples
vec4 downscale_x_upscale_y(vec2 uv_pixel, vec2 scale) {
float y_adjusted = upscale_adjust(uv_pixel.y, scale.y);
vec2 weights, offsets;
downscale_params(uv_pixel.x, scale.x, weights, offsets);
vec2 uv0 = vec2(offsets[0], y_adjusted) / texture_size;
vec2 uv1 = vec2(offsets[1], y_adjusted) / texture_size;
vec4 s0 = textureLod(sampler2D(t_tex, s_tex), uv0, 0);
vec4 s1 = textureLod(sampler2D(t_tex, s_tex), uv1, 0);
return s0 * weights[0] + s1 * weights[1];
// 4 samples
vec4 downscale_xy(vec2 uv_pixel, vec2 scale) {
vec2 weights_x, offsets_x, weights_y, offsets_y;
downscale_params(uv_pixel.x, scale.x, weights_x, offsets_x);
downscale_params(uv_pixel.y, scale.y, weights_y, offsets_y);
vec2 uv0 = vec2(offsets_x[0], offsets_y[0]) / texture_size;
vec2 uv1 = vec2(offsets_x[1], offsets_y[0]) / texture_size;
vec2 uv2 = vec2(offsets_x[0], offsets_y[1]) / texture_size;
vec2 uv3 = vec2(offsets_x[1], offsets_y[1]) / texture_size;
vec4 s0 = textureLod(sampler2D(t_tex, s_tex), uv0, 0);
vec4 s1 = textureLod(sampler2D(t_tex, s_tex), uv1, 0);
vec4 s2 = textureLod(sampler2D(t_tex, s_tex), uv2, 0);
vec4 s3 = textureLod(sampler2D(t_tex, s_tex), uv3, 0);
vec4 s01 = s0 * weights_x[0] + s1 * weights_x[1];
vec4 s23 = s2 * weights_x[0] + s3 * weights_x[1];
// Useful to visualize things below the limit where downscaling is supposed
// to be perfectly accurate.
/*if (scale.x < (1.0 / 3.0)) {
return vec4(1, 0, 0, 1);
return s01 * weights_y[0] + s23 * weights_y[1];
void main() {
// Text
if (f_mode == uint(0)) {
// NOTE: This now uses linear filter since all `Texture::new_dynamic`
// was changed to this by default. Glyphs are usually rasterized to be
// pretty close to the target size (so the filter change may have no
// effect), but there are thresholds within which the same rasterized
// glyph will be re-used. I wasn't able to observe any differences.
vec2 uv = f_uv;
uv = (floor(uv * texture_size) + 0.5) / texture_size;
tgt_color = f_color * vec4(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, textureLod(sampler2D(t_tex, s_tex), uv, 0).a);
// Image
// HACK: bit 0 is set for both ordinary and north-facing images.
} else if ((f_mode & uint(1)) == uint(1)) {
// NOTE: We don't have to account for bleeding over the border of an image
// due to how the ui currently handles rendering images. Currently, any
// edges of an image being rendered that don't line up with a pixel are
// snapped to a pixel, so we will never render any pixels containing an
// image that lie partly outside that image (and thus the sampling here
// will never try to sample outside an image). So we don't have to
// worry about bleeding in the atlas and/or what the border behavior
// should be.
// Convert to sampled pixel coordinates.
vec2 uv_pixel = f_uv * texture_size;
vec4 image_color;
vec2 uv = (floor(uv_pixel) + 0.5) / texture_size;
image_color = textureLod(sampler2D(t_tex, s_tex), uv, 0);
if (f_scale.x >= 1.0) {
if (f_scale.y >= 1.0) {
image_color = upscale_xy(uv_pixel, f_scale);
} else {
image_color = upscale_x_downscale_y(uv_pixel, f_scale);
} else {
if (f_scale.y >= 1.0) {
image_color = downscale_x_upscale_y(uv_pixel, f_scale);
} else {
image_color = downscale_xy(uv_pixel, f_scale);
// un-premultiply alpha (linear filtering above requires alpha to be
// pre-multiplied)
if (image_color.a > 0.001) {
image_color.rgb /= image_color.a;
tgt_color = f_color * image_color;
// 2D Geometry
} else if (f_mode == uint(2)) {
tgt_color = f_color;