116 lines
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116 lines
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main-username = Username
main-server = Server
main-password = Password
main-connecting = Connecting
main-creating_world = Creating world
main-tip = Tip:
main-unbound_key_tip = unbound
main-notice =
Welcome to the alpha version of Veloren!
Before you dive into the fun, please keep a few things in mind:
- This is a very early alpha. Expect bugs, extremely unfinished gameplay, unpolished mechanics, and missing features.
- If you have constructive feedback or bug reports, you can contact us on our GitLab repository and on our Discord or Matrix server.
- Veloren is open source. You are free to play, modify, and redistribute the game in accordance to version 3 of the GNU General Public license.
- Veloren is a non-profit community project, and everybody working on it is a volunteer.
If you like what you see, you are welcome to join any of our working groups!
Thanks for taking the time to read this notice, we hope you enjoy the game!
~ The development team
main-login_process =
About multiplayer mode:
Please note that you need an account to play on servers with authentication enabled.
You can create an account at:
main-singleplayer-new = New
main-singleplayer-delete = Delete
main-singleplayer-regenerate = Regenerate
main-singleplayer-create_custom = Create Custom
main-singleplayer-seed = Seed
main-singleplayer-day_length = Day duration
main-singleplayer-random_seed = Random
main-singleplayer-size_lg = Logarithmic size
main-singleplayer-map_large_warning = Warning: Large worlds will take a long time to start for the first time.
main-singleplayer-world_name = World name
main-singleplayer-map_scale = Vertical scaling
main-singleplayer-map_erosion_quality = Erosion quality
main-singleplayer-map_shape = Shape
main-singleplayer-map_shape-circle = Circle
main-singleplayer-map_shape-square = Square
main-singleplayer-play = Play
main-singleplayer-generate_and_play = Generate & Play
menu-singleplayer-confirm_delete = Are you sure you want to delete "{ $world_name }"?
menu-singleplayer-confirm_regenerate = Are you sure you want to regenerate "{ $world_name }"?
main-login-server_not_found = Server not found.
main-login-authentication_error = Authentication error on server.
main-login-internal_error = Internal error on client. Hint: The player character might have been deleted.
main-login-failed_auth_server_url_invalid = Failed to connect to authentication server.
main-login-insecure_auth_scheme = The HTTP authentication scheme is not supported. It's insecure! For development purposes, HTTP is allowed for 'localhost' or debug builds.
main-login-server_full = Server is full.
main-login-untrusted_auth_server = Authentication server not trusted.
main-login-timeout = Timeout: Server did not respond in time. Hint: the server might be currently overloaded or there are issues on the network.
main-login-server_shut_down = Server shut down.
main-login-network_error = Network error.
main-login-network_wrong_version = Mismatched server and client version. Hint: You might need to update your game client.
main-login-failed_sending_request = Request to authentication server failed.
main-login-invalid_character = The selected character is invalid.
main-login-client_crashed = Client crashed.
main-login-not_on_whitelist = You are not a member in the whitelist of the server you have attempted to join.
main-login-banned = You have been permanently banned with the following reason: { $reason }
main-login-banned_until =
You have been temporarily banned with the following reason: { $reason }
Until: { $end_date }
main-login-kicked = You have been kicked with the following reason: { $reason }
main-login-select_language = Select a language
main-login-client_version = Client version
main-login-server_version = Server version
main-login-client_init_failed = Client failed to initialize: { $init_fail_reason }
main-login-username_bad_characters = Username contains invalid characters! (Only alphanumeric, '_' and '-' are allowed).
main-login-username_too_long = Username is too long! Max length is: { $max_len }
main-servers-select_server = Select a server
main-servers-singleplayer_error = Failed to connect to internal server: { $sp_error }
main-servers-network_error = Server network/socket error: { $raw_error }
main-servers-participant_error = Participant disconnect/protocol error: { $raw_error }
main-servers-stream_error = Client connection/compression/(de)serialization error: { $raw_error }
main-servers-database_error = Server database error: { $raw_error }
main-servers-persistence_error = Server persistence error (Probably Asset/Character Data related): { $raw_error }
main-servers-other_error = Server general error: { $raw_error }
main-server-rules = This server has rules that must be accepted.
main-server-rules-seen-before = These rules have changed since the last time you accepted them.
main-credits = Credits
main-credits-created_by = created by
main-credits-music = Music
main-credits-fonts = Fonts
main-credits-other_art = Other Art
main-credits-contributors = Contributors
loading-tips =
.a0 = Press '{ $gameinput-togglelantern }' to light your lantern.
.a1 = Press '{ $gameinput-controls }' to see all default key bindings.
.a2 = You can type /say or /s to only chat with players directly around you.
.a3 = You can type /region or /r to only chat with players a couple of hundred blocks around you.
.a4 = Admins can use the /build command to enter build mode.
.a5 = You can type /group or /g to only chat with players in your current group.
.a6 = To send private messages type /tell followed by a player name and your message.
.a7 = Keep an eye out for food, chests and other loot spread all around the world!
.a8 = Inventory filled with food? Try crafting better food from it!
.a9 = Wondering what there is to do? Try out one of the dungeons marked on the map!
.a10 = Don't forget to adjust the graphics for your system. Press '{ $gameinput-settings }' to open the settings.
.a11 = Playing with others is fun! Press '{ $gameinput-social }' to see who is online.
.a12 = Press '{ $gameinput-dance }' to dance. Party!
.a13 = Press '{ $gameinput-glide }' to open your Glider and conquer the skies.
.a14 = Veloren is still in Pre-Alpha. We do our best to improve it every day!
.a15 = If you want to join the dev team or just have a chat with us, join our Discord server.
.a16 = You can toggle showing your amount of health on the health bar in the settings.
.a17 = Sit near a campfire (with the '{ $gameinput-sit }' key) to slowly recover from your injuries.
.a18 = Need more bags or better armor to continue your journey? Press '{ $gameinput-crafting }' to open the crafting menu!
.a19 = Press '{ $gameinput-roll }' to roll. Rolling can be used to move faster and dodge enemy attacks.
.a20 = Wondering what an item is used for? Search 'input:<item name>' in crafting to see what recipes it's used in.
.a21 = You can take screenshots with '{ $gameinput-screenshot }'.