#ifndef LIGHT_GLSL #define LIGHT_GLSL #include #include struct Light { vec4 light_pos; vec4 light_col; // mat4 light_proj; }; layout (std140, set = 0, binding = 3) uniform u_lights { // TODO: insert light max count constant here when loading the shaders Light lights[20]; }; struct Shadow { vec4 shadow_pos_radius; }; layout (std140, set = 0, binding = 4) uniform u_shadows { Shadow shadows[24]; }; float attenuation_strength(vec3 rpos) { // This is not how light attenuation works at all, but it produces visually pleasing and mechanically useful properties float d2 = rpos.x * rpos.x + rpos.y * rpos.y + rpos.z * rpos.z; return max(2.0 / pow(d2 + 10, 0.35) - pow(d2 / 50000.0, 0.8), 0.0); } float attenuation_strength_real(vec3 rpos) { float d2 = rpos.x * rpos.x + rpos.y * rpos.y + rpos.z * rpos.z; return 1.0 / (0.025 + d2); } // // Compute attenuation due to light passing through a substance that fills an area below a horizontal plane // // (e.g. in most cases, water below the water surface depth). // // // // wpos is the position of the point being hit. // // ray_dir is the reversed direction of the ray (going "out" of the point being hit). // // surface_alt is the estimated altitude of the horizontal surface separating the substance from air. // // defaultpos is the position to use in computing the distance along material at this point if there was a failure. // // // // Ideally, defaultpos is set so we can avoid branching on error. // float compute_attenuation_beam(vec3 wpos, vec3 ray_dir, float surface_alt, vec3 defaultpos, float attenuation_depth) { // vec3 water_intersection_surface_camera = vec3(cam_pos); // bool _water_intersects_surface_camera = IntersectRayPlane(f_pos, view_dir, vec3(0.0, 0.0, /*f_alt*/f_pos.z + f_light), cam_surface_dir, water_intersection_surface_camera); // // Should work because we set it up so that if IntersectRayPlane returns false for camera, its default intersection point is cam_pos. // float water_depth_to_camera = length(water_intersection_surface_camera - f_pos); // // vec3 water_intersection_surface_light = f_pos; // bool _light_intersects_surface_water = IntersectRayPlane(f_pos, sun_dir.z <= 0.0 ? sun_dir : moon_dir, vec3(0.0, 0.0, /*f_alt*/f_pos.z + f_light), vec3(0.0, 0.0, 1.0), water_intersection_surface_light); // // Should work because we set it up so that if IntersectRayPlane returns false for light, its default intersection point is f_pos-- // // i.e. if a light ray can't hit the water, it shouldn't contribute to coloring at all. // float water_depth_to_light = length(water_intersection_surface_light - f_pos); // // // For ambient color, we just take the distance to the surface out of laziness. // float water_depth_to_vertical = max(/*f_alt - f_pos.z*/f_light, 0.0); // // // Color goes down with distance... // // See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Beer%E2%80%93Lambert_law. // vec3 water_color_direct = exp(-water_attenuation * (water_depth_to_light + water_depth_to_camera)); // vec3 water_color_ambient = exp(-water_attenuation * (water_depth_to_vertical + water_depth_to_camera)); // // } vec3 light_at(vec3 wpos, vec3 wnorm) { const float LIGHT_AMBIANCE = 0.025; vec3 light = vec3(0); for (uint i = 0u; i < light_shadow_count.x; i ++) { // Only access the array once Light L = lights[i]; vec3 light_pos = L.light_pos.xyz - focus_off.xyz; // Pre-calculate difference between light and fragment vec3 difference = light_pos - wpos; float strength = attenuation_strength(difference); vec3 color = L.light_col.rgb * strength; light += color * (max(0, max(dot(normalize(difference), wnorm), 0.15)) + LIGHT_AMBIANCE); } return light; } float shadow_at(vec3 wpos, vec3 wnorm) { float shadow = 1.0; #if (SHADOW_MODE == SHADOW_MODE_CHEAP || (SHADOW_MODE == SHADOW_MODE_MAP && defined(EXPERIMENTAL_POINTSHADOWSWITHSHADOWMAPPING))) for (uint i = 0u; i < light_shadow_count.y; i ++) { // Only access the array once Shadow S = shadows[i]; vec3 shadow_pos = S.shadow_pos_radius.xyz - focus_off.xyz; float radius = S.shadow_pos_radius.w; vec3 diff = shadow_pos - wpos; #if (SHADOW_MODE == SHADOW_MODE_CHEAP) if (diff.z >= 0.0) { diff.z = -sign(diff.z) * diff.z * 0.1; } #endif float shade = max(pow(diff.x * diff.x + diff.y * diff.y + diff.z * diff.z, 0.3) / pow(radius * radius * 0.5, 0.5), 0.5); // float shade = max(pow(dot(diff, diff) / (radius * radius * 0.5), 0.25), 0.5); // float shade = dot(diff, diff) / (radius * radius * 0.5); shadow = min(shadow, shade); } // NOTE: Squared to compenate for prior saturation. return min(shadow, 1.0); // return min(shadow * shadow, 1.0); #else return shadow; #endif } // Returns computed maximum intensity. // // mu is the attenuation coefficient for any substance on a horizontal plane. // cam_attenuation is the total light attenuation due to the substance for beams between the point and the camera. // surface_alt is the altitude of the attenuating surface. float lights_at(vec3 wpos, vec3 wnorm, vec3 /*cam_to_frag*/view_dir, vec3 mu, vec3 cam_attenuation, float surface_alt, vec3 k_a, vec3 k_d, vec3 k_s, float alpha, vec3 voxel_norm, float voxel_lighting, inout vec3 emitted_light, inout vec3 reflected_light/*, out float shadow*/) { // return 0.0; // shadow = 0.0; // vec3 ambient_light = vec3(0.0); vec3 directed_light = vec3(0.0); vec3 max_light = vec3(0.0); const float LIGHT_AMBIANCE = 0.0;//0.015625; for (uint i = 0u; i < /*light_shadow_count.x*//*0u*/light_shadow_count.x/*32u*/; i ++) { // Only access the array once Light L = lights[i]; vec3 light_pos = L.light_pos.xyz - focus_off.xyz; // Pre-calculate difference between light and fragment vec3 difference = light_pos - wpos; float distance_2 = dot(difference, difference); if (distance_2 > 10000.0) { continue; } // float strength = attenuation_strength(difference);// pow(attenuation_strength(difference), 0.6); // NOTE: This normalizes strength to 0.25 at the center of the point source. float strength = 3.0 / (5 + distance_2); // Multiply the vec3 only once const float PI = 3.1415926535897932384626433832795; const float PI_2 = 2 * PI; vec3 color = /*srgb_to_linear*/L.light_col.rgb; // // Only access the array once // Shadow S = shadows[i]; // vec3 shadow_pos = S.shadow_pos_radius.xyz; // float radius = S.shadow_pos_radius.w; // vec3 diff = shadow_pos - wpos; // if (diff.z >= 0.0) { // diff.z = -sign(diff.z) * diff.z * 0.1; // } // float shade = max(pow(diff.x * diff.x + diff.y * diff.y + diff.z * diff.z, 0.25) / pow(radius * radius * 0.5, 0.25), /*0.5*/0.0); // shadow = min(shadow, shade); // Compute reflectance. float light_distance = sqrt(distance_2); vec3 light_dir = -difference / light_distance; // normalize(-difference); // light_dir = faceforward(light_dir, wnorm, light_dir); bool is_direct = dot(difference, wnorm) > 0.0; // reflected_light += color * (distance_2 == 0.0 ? vec3(1.0) : light_reflection_factor(wnorm, cam_to_frag, light_dir, k_d, k_s, alpha)); vec3 direct_light_dir = is_direct ? light_dir : -light_dir; // vec3 direct_norm_dir = is_direct ? wnorm : -wnorm; // Compute attenuation due to fluid. // Default is light_pos, so we take the whole segment length for this beam if it never intersects the surface, unlesss the beam itself // is above the surface, in which case we take zero (wpos). color *= cam_attenuation * compute_attenuation_point(wpos, -direct_light_dir, mu, surface_alt, light_pos.z < surface_alt ? light_pos : wpos); #if (LIGHTING_TYPE & LIGHTING_TYPE_TRANSMISSION) != 0 is_direct = true; #endif vec3 lrf = light_reflection_factor(/*direct_norm_dir*/wnorm, /*cam_to_frag*/view_dir, direct_light_dir, k_d, k_s, alpha, voxel_norm, voxel_lighting); vec3 direct_light = PI * color * strength * lrf; /* is_direct = true; */ float computed_shadow = ShadowCalculationPoint(i, -difference, wnorm, wpos/*, light_distance*/); // directed_light += is_direct ? max(computed_shadow, /*LIGHT_AMBIANCE*/0.0) * direct_light : vec3(0.0); float ambiance = 0.0; #ifndef EXPERIMENTAL_PHOTOREALISTIC // Non-physically emulate ambient light nearby ambiance = mix(0.05, 0.5, (dot(wnorm, direct_light_dir) + 1.0) * 0.5) * strength; #ifdef FIGURE_SHADER // Non-physical hack. Subtle, but allows lanterns to glow nicely // TODO: Make lanterns use glowing cells instead ambiance += 0.1 / distance_2; #endif #endif directed_light += (is_direct ? mix(LIGHT_AMBIANCE, 1.0, computed_shadow) * direct_light : vec3(0.0)) + ambiance * color; // directed_light += (is_direct ? 1.0 : LIGHT_AMBIANCE) * max(computed_shadow, /*LIGHT_AMBIANCE*/0.0) * direct_light;// : vec3(0.0); // directed_light += mix(LIGHT_AMBIANCE, 1.0, computed_shadow) * direct_light; // ambient_light += is_direct ? vec3(0.0) : vec3(0.0); // direct_light * LIGHT_AMBIANCE; // ambient_light += is_direct ? direct_light * (1.0 - LIGHT_AMBIANCE) : vec3(0.0); vec3 cam_light_diff = light_pos - focus_pos.xyz; float cam_distance_2 = dot(cam_light_diff, cam_light_diff);// + 0.0001; float cam_strength = 1.0 / (/*4.0 * *//*PI * *//*1.0 + */cam_distance_2); // vec3 cam_pos_diff = cam_to_frag.xyz - wpos; // float pos_distance_2 = dot(cam_pos_diff, cam_pos_diff);// + 0.0001; // float cam_distance = sqrt(cam_distance_2); // float distance = sqrt(distance_2); float both_strength = cam_distance_2 == 0.0 ? distance_2 == 0.0 ? 0.0 : strength/* * strength*//*1.0*/ : distance_2 == 0.0 ? cam_strength/* * cam_strength*//*1.0*/ : // 1.0 / (cam_distance * distance); // sqrt(cam_strength * strength); cam_strength + strength; // (cam_strength * strength); // max(cam_strength, strength); // mix(cam_strength, strength, distance_2 / (cam_distance_2 + distance_2)); // mix(cam_strength, strength, cam_distance_2 / (cam_distance_2 + distance_2)); // max(cam_strength, strength);//mix(cam_strength, strength, clamp(distance_2 / /*pos_distance_2*/cam_distance_2, 0.0, 1.0)); // float both_strength = mix(cam_strength, strength, cam_distance_2 / sqrt(cam_distance_2 + distance_2)); max_light += /*max(1.0, cam_strength)*//*min(cam_strength, 1.0)*//*max*//*max(both_strength, 1.0) * *//*cam_strength*/computed_shadow * both_strength * PI * color; // max_light += /*max(1.0, cam_strength)*//*min(cam_strength, 1.0)*//*max*/max(cam_strength, 1.0/*, strength*//*1.0*/) * PI * color; // light += color * (max(0, max(dot(normalize(difference), wnorm), 0.15)) + LIGHT_AMBIANCE); // Compute emiittance. // float ambient_sides = clamp(mix(0.15, 0.0, abs(dot(wnorm, light_dir)) * 10000.0), 0.0, 0.15); // float ambient_sides = 0.0;// max(dot(wnorm, light_dir) - 0.15, 0.15); // // float ambient_sides = 0.0; // ambient_light += color * (ambient_sides + LIGHT_AMBIANCE); } // shadow = shadow_at(wpos, wnorm); // float shadow = shadow_at(wpos, wnorm); reflected_light += directed_light; // emitted_light += k_a * ambient_light/* * shadow*/;// min(shadow, 1.0); return /*rel_luminance(ambient_light + directed_light)*/rel_luminance(max_light);//ambient_light; } // Same as lights_at, but with no assumed attenuation due to fluid. float lights_at(vec3 wpos, vec3 wnorm, vec3 view_dir, vec3 k_a, vec3 k_d, vec3 k_s, float alpha, inout vec3 emitted_light, inout vec3 reflected_light) { return lights_at(wpos, wnorm, view_dir, vec3(0.0), vec3(1.0), 0.0, k_a, k_d, k_s, alpha, wnorm, 1.0, emitted_light, reflected_light); } #endif