173 lines
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hud-settings-general = General
hud-settings-none = None
hud-settings-press_behavior-toggle = Toggle
hud-settings-press_behavior-hold = Hold
hud-settings-autopress_behavior-toggle = Toggle
hud-settings-autopress_behavior-auto = Auto
hud-settings-debug_info = Debug Info
hud-settings-show_hitboxes = Show hitboxes
hud-settings-show_chat = Show chat
hud-settings-show_hotkey_hints = Show hotkey hints
hud-settings-tips_on_startup = Tips-On-Startup
hud-settings-ui_scale = UI-Scale
hud-settings-relative_scaling = Relative Scaling
hud-settings-custom_scaling = Custom Scaling
hud-settings-crosshair = Crosshair
hud-settings-opacity = Opacity
hud-settings-hotbar = Hotbar
hud-settings-slots = Slots
hud-settings-toggle_shortcuts = Toggle Shortcuts
hud-settings-buffs_skillbar = Buffs at skill bar
hud-settings-buffs_mmap = Buffs at Minimap
hud-settings-use_prefixes = Use SI prefixes for quantities
hud-settings-prefix_switch_point = Digit limit for SI prefix switch
hud-settings-toggle_bar_experience = Toggle Experience Bar
hud-settings-scrolling_combat_text = Scrolling Combat Text
hud-settings-damage_accumulation_duration = Damage Accumulation Duration
hud-settings-incoming_damage = Incoming Damage
hud-settings-incoming_damage_accumulation_duration = Incoming Damage Accumulation Duration
hud-settings-round_damage = Round Damage
hud-settings-speech_bubble = Speech Bubble
hud-settings-speech_bubble_self = Show Own Speech Bubbles
hud-settings-speech_bubble_dark_mode = Speech Bubble Dark Mode
hud-settings-speech_bubble_icon = Speech Bubble Icon
hud-settings-use_health_prefixes = Use SI prefixes for the health bar
hud-settings-energybar_numbers = Energy bar numbers
hud-settings-always_show_bars = Always show the energy bar
hud-settings-enable_poise_bar = Enable Poise bar
hud-settings-experience_numbers = Experience points
hud-settings-accumulate_experience = Show experience points as aggregate
hud-settings-values = Values
hud-settings-percentages = Percentages
hud-settings-chat = Chat
hud-settings-background_opacity = Background Opacity
hud-settings-chat_character_name = Character Names in Chat
hud-settings-loading_tips = Loading Screen Tips
hud-settings-reset_interface = Reset to Defaults
hud-settings-pan_sensitivity = Pan Sensitivity
hud-settings-zoom_sensitivity = Zoom Sensitivity
hud-settings-camera_clamp_angle = Angle for vertical camera clamp mode
hud-settings-invert_scroll_zoom = Invert Scroll Zoom
hud-settings-invert_mouse_y_axis = Invert Mouse Y Axis
hud-settings-invert_controller_y_axis = Invert Controller Y Axis
hud-settings-enable_mouse_smoothing = Camera Smoothing
hud-settings-free_look_behavior = Free look behavior
hud-settings-auto_walk_behavior = Auto walk behavior
hud-settings-walking_speed_behavior = Walking speed behavior
hud-settings-walking_speed = Walking speed
hud-settings-camera_clamp_behavior = Camera clamp behavior
hud-settings-zoom_lock_behavior = Camera zoom lock behavior
hud-settings-aim_offset_x = Horizontal Aim Offset
hud-settings-aim_offset_y = Vertical Aim Offset
hud-settings-player_physics_behavior = Player physics (experimental)
hud-settings-stop_auto_walk_on_input = Stop auto walk on movement
hud-settings-auto_camera = Auto camera
hud-settings-bow_zoom = Zoom in when charging bow
hud-settings-zoom_lock = Camera zoom lock
hud-settings-reset_gameplay = Reset to Defaults
hud-settings-view_distance = View Distance
hud-settings-entity_view_distance = Entities View Distance
hud-settings-lod_distance = LoD Distance
hud-settings-sprites_view_distance = Sprites View Distance
hud-settings-entities_detail_distance = Entities Detail Distance
hud-settings-maximum_fps = Maximum FPS
hud-settings-background_fps = Background FPS
hud-settings-present_mode = Present Mode
hud-settings-present_mode-vsync_capped = Vsync capped
hud-settings-present_mode-vsync_adaptive = Adaptive vsync
hud-settings-present_mode-vsync_uncapped = Vsync uncapped
hud-settings-present_mode-vsync_off = Vsync off
hud-settings-fov = Field of View (deg)
hud-settings-gamma = Gamma
hud-settings-exposure = Exposure
hud-settings-ambiance = Ambiance Brightness
hud-settings-antialiasing_mode = AntiAliasing Mode
hud-settings-upscale_factor = Internal Resolution
hud-settings-cloud_rendering_mode = Cloud Rendering Mode
hud-settings-fluid_rendering_mode = Fluid Rendering Mode
hud-settings-fluid_rendering_mode-low = Low
hud-settings-fluid_rendering_mode-medium = Medium
hud-settings-fluid_rendering_mode-high = High
hud-settings-reflection_rendering_mode = Reflection Rendering Mode
hud-settings-reflection_rendering_mode-low = Low
hud-settings-reflection_rendering_mode-medium = Medium
hud-settings-reflection_rendering_mode-high = High
hud-settings-cloud_rendering_mode-minimal = Minimal
hud-settings-cloud_rendering_mode-low = Low
hud-settings-cloud_rendering_mode-medium = Medium
hud-settings-cloud_rendering_mode-high = High
hud-settings-cloud_rendering_mode-ultra = Ultra
hud-settings-fullscreen = Fullscreen
hud-settings-fullscreen_mode = Fullscreen Mode
hud-settings-fullscreen_mode-exclusive = Exclusive
hud-settings-fullscreen_mode-borderless = Borderless
hud-settings-gpu_profiler = Enable GPU timing (not supported everywhere)
hud-settings-particles = Particles
hud-settings-lossy_terrain_compression = Lossy terrain compression
hud-settings-weapon_trails = Weapon trails
hud-settings-flashing_lights = Flashing lights
hud-settings-flashing_lights_info = Enables all kinds of flashing, e.g. flickering or lightning strikes
hud-settings-resolution = Resolution
hud-settings-bit_depth = Bit Depth
hud-settings-refresh_rate = Refresh Rate
hud-settings-lighting_rendering_mode = Lighting Rendering Mode
hud-settings-lighting_rendering_mode-ashikhmin = Type A - High
hud-settings-lighting_rendering_mode-blinnphong = Type B - Medium
hud-settings-lighting_rendering_mode-lambertian = Type L - Cheap
hud-settings-shadow_rendering_mode = Shadow Rendering Mode
hud-settings-shadow_rendering_mode-none = None
hud-settings-shadow_rendering_mode-cheap = Cheap
hud-settings-shadow_rendering_mode-map = Map
hud-settings-shadow_rendering_mode-map-resolution = Resolution
hud-settings-rain_occlusion-resolution = Rain Occlusion Resolution
hud-settings-lod_detail = LoD Detail
hud-settings-reset_graphics = Reset to Defaults
hud-settings-minimal_graphics = Minimal
hud-settings-low_graphics = Low
hud-settings-medium_graphics = Medium
hud-settings-high_graphics = High
hud-settings-ultra_graphics = Ultra
hud-settings-bloom = Bloom
hud-settings-point_glow = Point Glow
hud-settings-master_volume = Master Volume
hud-settings-inactive_master_volume_perc = Inactive Window Volume
hud-settings-music_volume = Music Volume
hud-settings-sound_effect_volume = Sound Effects Volume
hud-settings-ambience_volume = Ambience Volume
hud-settings-combat_music = Combat Music
hud-settings-music_spacing = Music Spacing
hud-settings-audio_device = Audio Device
hud-settings-reset_sound = Reset to Defaults
hud-settings-english_fallback = Display English for missing translations
hud-settings-language_send_to_server = Send the configured language to servers (for localizing rules and motd messages)
hud-settings-awaitingkey = Press a key...
hud-settings-unbound = None
hud-settings-reset_keybinds = Reset to defaults
hud-settings-keybind-helper =
M1 to set
M2 to unset
hud-settings-chat_tabs = Chat Tabs
hud-settings-label = Label:
hud-settings-delete = Delete
hud-settings-show_all = Show all
hud-settings-messages = Messages
hud-settings-activity = Activity
hud-settings-death = Death
hud-settings-group = Group
hud-settings-faction = Faction
hud-settings-world = World
hud-settings-region = Region
hud-settings-say = Say
hud-settings-all = All
hud-settings-group_only = Group only
hud-settings-reset_chat = Reset to Defaults
hud-settings-third_party_integrations = Third-party Integrations
hud-settings-enable_discord_integration = Enable Discord Integration
hud-settings-subtitles = Subtitles
hud-settings-show_all_recipes = Show All Recipes
hud-settings-gamepad = Gamepad
hud-settings-keyboard = Keyboard
hud-settings-game_buttons = Game Buttons
hud-settings-game_layers = Game Layers
hud-settings-menu_buttons = Menu Buttons