38 lines
1.4 KiB

hud-trade-trade_window = Trade
hud-trade-phase1_description =
Drag the items you want to trade
into the corresponding area.
hud-trade-phase2_description =
The trade is now locked to give you
time to review it.
hud-trade-phase3_description = Trade is being processed.
hud-trade-persons_offer = Offer from { $playername }
hud-trade-has_accepted =
{ $playername }
has accepted
hud-trade-accept = Accept
hud-trade-decline = Decline
hud-trade-invite_sent = Trade request sent to { $playername }.
hud-trade-invite-accepted = { $target } accepted your trade request.
hud-trade-invite-declined = { $target } declined your trade request.
hud-trade-invite-timed_out = Trade request to { $target } timed out.
hud-trade-result-completed = Trade completed successfully.
hud-trade-result-declined = Trade declined.
hud-trade-result-nospace = Not enough space to complete the trade.
hud-trade-buy = Buy Price: { $coin_num ->
[1] one coin
*[other] { $coin_formatted } coins
hud-trade-sell = Sell Price: { $coin_num ->
[1] one coin
*[other] { $coin_formatted } coins
hud-trade-tooltip_hint_1 = <Shift-Click to Add/Remove from trade.>
hud-trade-tooltip_hint_2 = <Ctrl-Click to Auto-Balance with this.>
hud-trade-your_offer = Your offer
hud-trade-their_offer = Their offer
hud-trade-amount_input = Select an item
hud-confirm-trade-for-nothing = Really give away these items in exchange for nothing?