
165 lines
5.8 KiB

use std::ops::{Bound, RangeBounds};
use std::{fmt, slice};
/// A UTF32 encoded (char array) string that is used as an input to (fuzzy) matching.
/// Usually rusts' utf8 encoded strings are great. However during fuzzy matching
/// operates on codepoints (it should operate on graphemes but that's too much
/// hassle to deal with). We want to quickly iterate these codeboints between
/// (up to 5 times) during matching.
/// Doing codepoint segmentation on the fly not only blows trough the cache
/// (lookuptables and Icache) but also has nontrivial runtime compared to the
/// matching itself. Furthermore there are a lot of exta optimizations available
/// for ascii only text (but checking during each match has too much overhead).
/// Ofcourse this comes at exta memory cost as we usually still need the ut8
/// encoded variant for rendenring. In the (dominant) case of ascii-only text
/// we don't require a copy. Furthermore fuzzy matching usually is applied while
/// the user is typing on the fly so the same item is potentially matched many
/// times (making the the upfront cost more worth it). That means that its
/// basically always worth it to presegment the string.
/// For usecases that only match (a lot of) strings once its possible to keep
/// char buffer around that is filled with the presegmented chars
/// Another advantage of this approach is that the matcher will naturally
/// produce char indices (instead of utf8 offsets) annyway. With a
/// codepoint basec representation like this the indices can be used
/// directly
#[derive(PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord, Clone, Copy, Hash)]
pub enum Utf32Str<'a> {
/// A string represented as ASCII encoded bytes.
/// Correctness invariant: must only contain valid ASCII (<=127)
Ascii(&'a [u8]),
/// A string represented as an array of unicode codepoints (basically UTF-32).
Unicode(&'a [char]),
impl<'a> Utf32Str<'a> {
/// Convenience method to construct a `Utf32Str` from a normal utf8 str
pub fn new(str: &'a str, buf: &'a mut Vec<char>) -> Self {
if str.is_ascii() {
} else {
if buf.iter().all(|c| c.is_ascii()) {
return Utf32Str::Ascii(str.as_bytes());
pub fn len(&self) -> usize {
match self {
Utf32Str::Unicode(codepoints) => codepoints.len(),
Utf32Str::Ascii(ascii_bytes) => ascii_bytes.len(),
pub fn is_empty(&self) -> bool {
match self {
Utf32Str::Unicode(codepoints) => codepoints.is_empty(),
Utf32Str::Ascii(ascii_bytes) => ascii_bytes.is_empty(),
pub fn slice(&self, range: impl RangeBounds<usize>) -> Utf32Str {
let start = match range.start_bound() {
Bound::Included(&start) => start,
Bound::Excluded(&start) => start + 1,
Bound::Unbounded => 0,
let end = match range.end_bound() {
Bound::Included(&end) => end,
Bound::Excluded(&end) => end + 1,
Bound::Unbounded => self.len(),
match self {
Utf32Str::Ascii(bytes) => Utf32Str::Ascii(&bytes[start..end]),
Utf32Str::Unicode(codepoints) => Utf32Str::Unicode(&codepoints[start..end]),
/// Same as `slice` but accepts a u32 range for convenicene sine
/// those are the indices returned by the matcher
pub fn slice_u32(&self, range: impl RangeBounds<u32>) -> Utf32Str {
let start = match range.start_bound() {
Bound::Included(&start) => start as usize,
Bound::Excluded(&start) => start as usize + 1,
Bound::Unbounded => 0,
let end = match range.end_bound() {
Bound::Included(&end) => end as usize,
Bound::Excluded(&end) => end as usize + 1,
Bound::Unbounded => self.len(),
match self {
Utf32Str::Ascii(bytes) => Utf32Str::Ascii(&bytes[start..end]),
Utf32Str::Unicode(codepoints) => Utf32Str::Unicode(&codepoints[start..end]),
pub fn is_ascii(&self) -> bool {
matches!(self, Utf32Str::Ascii(_))
pub fn get(&self, idx: u32) -> char {
match self {
Utf32Str::Ascii(bytes) => bytes[idx as usize] as char,
Utf32Str::Unicode(codepoints) => codepoints[idx as usize],
pub fn last(&self) -> char {
match self {
Utf32Str::Ascii(bytes) => bytes[bytes.len() - 1] as char,
Utf32Str::Unicode(codepoints) => codepoints[codepoints.len() - 1],
pub fn chars(&self) -> Chars<'_> {
match self {
Utf32Str::Ascii(bytes) => Chars::Ascii(bytes.iter()),
Utf32Str::Unicode(codepoints) => Chars::Unicode(codepoints.iter()),
impl fmt::Debug for Utf32Str<'_> {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
write!(f, "\"")?;
for c in self.chars() {
for c in c.escape_debug() {
write!(f, "{c}")?
write!(f, "\"")
impl fmt::Display for Utf32Str<'_> {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
write!(f, "\"")?;
for c in self.chars() {
write!(f, "{c}")?
write!(f, "\"")
pub enum Chars<'a> {
Ascii(slice::Iter<'a, u8>),
Unicode(slice::Iter<'a, char>),
impl<'a> Iterator for Chars<'a> {
type Item = char;
fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item> {
match self {
Chars::Ascii(iter) =>|&c| c as char),
Chars::Unicode(iter) =>,