sprite-carrot-carrot = Carrot .desc = An orange root vegetable. They say it'll improve your vision! sprite-cabbage-cabbage = Lettuce .desc = A vibrant green leafy vegetable. Lettuce make some salads! sprite-mushrooms-mushroom-10 = Mushroom .desc = Hopefully this one is not poisonous. sprite-food-salad_plain = Plain Salad .desc = Literally just chopped lettuce. Does this even count as a salad? sprite-tomato-tomato = Tomato .desc = A red fruit. It's not actually a vegetable! sprite-food-salad_tomato = Tomato Salad .desc = Leafy salad with some chopped, juicy tomatoes mixed in. sprite-food-meat-beast_large_cooked = Cooked Meat Slab .desc = Medium Rare. sprite-food-meat-beast_large_raw = Raw Meat Slab .desc = Chunk of beastly animal meat, best after cooking. sprite-food-meat-beast_small_cooked = Cooked Meat Sliver .desc = Medium Rare. sprite-food-meat-beast_small_raw = Raw Meat Sliver .desc = Small hunk of beastly animal meat, best after cooking. sprite-food-meat-bird_cooked = Cooked Bird Meat .desc = Best enjoyed with one in each hand. sprite-food-meat-bird_large_cooked = Huge Cooked Drumstick .desc = Makes for a legendary meal. sprite-food-meat-bird_large_raw = Huge Raw Drumstick .desc = It's magnificent. sprite-food-meat-bird_raw = Raw Bird Meat .desc = A hefty drumstick. sprite-food-meat-fish_cooked = Cooked Fish .desc = A fresh cooked seafood steak. sprite-food-meat-fish_raw = Raw Fish .desc = A steak chopped from a fish, best after cooking. sprite-food-meat-tough_cooked = Cooked Tough Meat .desc = Tastes exotic. sprite-food-meat-tough_raw = Raw Tough Meat .desc = Peculiar bit of meat, best after cooking. object-apple_half = Apple .desc = Red and juicy. object-mushroom_curry = Mushroom Curry .desc = Who could say no to that? object-apple_stick = Apple Stick .desc = The stick makes it easier to carry! object-blue_cheese = Blue Cheese .desc = Pungent and filling. object-cactus_drink = Cactus Colada .desc = Giving you that special prickle. object-cheese = Dwarven Cheese .desc = Made from goat milk from the finest dwarven produce. Aromatic and nutritious! object-coconut_half = Coconut .desc = Reliable source of water and fat. Can often be found growing on palm trees. object-honeycorn = Honeycorn .desc = Sweeet. object-mushroom_stick = Mushroom Stick .desc = Roasted mushrooms on a stick for easy carrying. object-pumpkin_spice_brew = Pumpkin Spice Brew .desc = Brewed from moldy pumpkins. object-sunflower_ice_tea = Sunflower Ice Tea .desc = Brewed from freshly shelled sunflower seeds. sprite-spore-corruption_spore = Spore of Corruption .desc = You feel an evil force pulsating within. It may be unwise to hold on to it for too long...