hud-bag-inventory = { $playername }'s Inventory hud-bag-stats_title = { $playername }'s Stats hud-bag-armor = Armor hud-bag-stats = Stats hud-bag-head = Head hud-bag-neck = Neck hud-bag-tabard = Tabard hud-bag-shoulders = Shoulders hud-bag-chest = Chest hud-bag-hands = Hands hud-bag-lantern = Lantern hud-bag-glider = Glider hud-bag-belt = Belt hud-bag-ring = Ring hud-bag-back = Back hud-bag-backpack = Backpack hud-bag-legs = Legs hud-bag-feet = Feet hud-bag-mainhand = Mainhand hud-bag-offhand = Offhand hud-bag-inactive_mainhand = Inactive Mainhand hud-bag-inactive_offhand = Inactive Offhand hud-bag-swap_equipped_weapons_title = Swap equipped weapons hud-bag-swap_equipped_weapons_desc = Press { $key } hud-bag-bag = Bag hud-bag-health = Health hud-bag-energy = Energy hud-bag-combat_rating = Combat Rating hud-bag-protection = Protection hud-bag-stun_res = Stun Resilience hud-bag-stealth = Stealth hud-bag-combat_rating_desc = Calculated from your equipment and health. hud-bag-protection_desc = Damage reduction through armor. hud-bag-stun_res_desc = Resilience against being stunned by consecutive hits. Regenerates like energy. hud-bag-sort_by_name = Sort by Name hud-bag-sort_by_quality = Sort by Quality hud-bag-sort_by_category = Sort by Category hud-bag-sort_by_tag = Sort by Tag hud-bag-sort_by_quantity = Sort by Quantity hud-bag-use_slot_equip_drop_items = { $slot_deficit -> [1] Equipping this item will result in insufficient inventory space to hold the items in your inventory and 1 item will drop on the floor. Do you wish to continue? *[other] Equipping this item will result in insufficient inventory space to hold the items in your inventory and { $slot_deficit } items will drop on the floor. Do you wish to continue? } hud-bag-use_slot_unequip_drop_items = { $slot_deficit -> [1] Unequipping this item will result in insufficient inventory space to hold the items in your inventory and 1 item will drop on the floor. Do you wish to continue? *[other] Unequipping this item will result in insufficient inventory space to hold the items in your inventory and { $slot_deficit } items will drop on the floor. Do you wish to continue? } hud-bag-swap_slots_drop_items = { $slot_deficit -> [1] This will result in dropping 1 item on the ground. Are you sure? *[other] This will result in dropping { $slot_deficit } items on the ground. Are you sure? } hud-bag-split_swap_slots_drop_items = { $slot_deficit -> [1] This will result in dropping 1 item on the ground. Are you sure? *[other] This will result in dropping { $slot_deficit } items on the ground. Are you sure? }