## Texts used in multiple locations with the same formatting common-singleplayer = Unu Ludanto common-multiplayer = Multaj Ludantoj common-servers = Serviloj common-quit = Forlasi common-settings = Agordoj common-languages = Lingvoj common-interface = Interfaco common-gameplay = Ludado common-controls = Regiloj common-video = Grafiko common-sound = Sono common-chat = Babilado common-resume = Rekomenci common-characters = Karakteroj common-close = Fermigi common-yes = Jes common-no = Ne common-create = Krei common-okay = Okej common-add = Aldoni common-accept = Akcepti common-decline = Malakcepti common-cancel = Nuligi common-none = Neniom common-error = Eraro common-automatic = Aŭtomata common-empty = Malplena common-confirm = Konfirmi common-delete_server = Forigi Servilon ## Settings Window title common-interface_settings = Interfaca Agordoj common-gameplay_settings = Gameplay Settings common-controls_settings = Regilaj Agordoj common-species-human = Homo common-species-dwarf = Nano common-species-elf = Elfo common-weapons-axe = Hakilo common-weapons-dagger = Ponardo common-weapons-greatsword = Glavego common-weapons-shortswords = Glavetoj common-weapons-sword = Glavo common-weapons-staff = Bastono de Fajro common-weapons-bow = Arko common-weapons-hammer = Martelo common-weapons-general = Ĝenerala Kontraŭbatalo common-weapons-shield = Ŝildo common-weapons-spear = Lanco common-tool-pick = Pioĉo common-tool-mining = Minado common-kind-lantern = Lanterno common-hands-one = Unu Mano common-hands-two = Du Manoj common-material-metal = Metalo common-material-wood = Ligno common-material-stone = Ŝtono common-material-cloth = Tuko common-material-hide = Felo common-sprite-chest = Kesto