// we use a vector to easily generate a key into all the economic data containers ([ ( name: "Banker", orders: [ (Ingredients, 12.0), (Stone, 4.0), (Tools, 1.0), (RoadSecurity, 4.0) ], products: [ (Coin, 16.0) ], ), ( name: "Cook", orders: [ (Flour, 12.0), (Meat, 4.0), (Wood, 1.5), (Stone, 1.0) ], products: [ (Food, 16.0) ], ), ( name: "Lumberjack", orders: [ (Territory(Forest), 0.5), (Tools, 0.1) ], products: [ (Wood, 0.5)], ), ( name: "Miner", orders: [ (Territory(Mountain), 0.5), (Tools, 0.1) ], products: [ (Stone, 0.5) ], ), ( name: "Fisher", orders: [ (Territory(Lake), 4.0), (Tools, 0.02) ], products: [ (Meat, 4.0) ], ), ( name: "Hunter", // Hunter operate outside of uncontrolled areas and resemble guards // due to the low number of products we tune down the Armor,Tools,Potions in comparison orders: [ (Armor, 0.1), (Tools, 0.1), (Potions, 1.0), (Terrain(Forest), 4.0) ], products: [ (Meat, 4.0) ], ), ( name: "Hunter2", // Hunter operate outside of uncontrolled areas and resemble guards // due to the low number of products we tune down the Armor,Tools,Potions in comparison orders: [ (Armor, 0.1), (Tools, 0.1), (Potions, 1.0), (Terrain(Desert), 5.0) ], products: [ (Meat, 3.0) ], ), ( name: "Farmer", orders: [ (Territory(Grassland), 2.0), (Tools, 0.05) ], products: [ (Flour, 2.0) ], ), ( name: "Brewer", orders: [ (Ingredients, 2.0), (Flour, 2.0) ], products: [ (Potions, 6.0) ], ), ( name: "Bladesmith", orders: [ (Ingredients, 4.0), (Wood, 1.0) ], products: [ (Tools, 2.0) ], ), ( name: "Blacksmith", orders: [ (Ingredients, 8.0), (Wood, 2.0) ], products: [ (Armor, 4.0) ], ), ( name: "Naval Guard", orders: [ (Armor, 0.3), (Tools, 0.3), (Potions, 4.0), (Terrain(Lake), 50) ], products: [ (Territory(Lake), 50) ], ), ( name: "Mountain Guard", orders: [ (Armor, 0.4), (Tools, 0.4), (Potions, 3.5), (Terrain(Mountain), 50) ], products: [ (Territory(Mountain), 50) ], ), ( name: "Field Guard", orders: [ (Armor, 0.5), (Tools, 0.3), (Potions, 3.0), (Terrain(Grassland), 50) ], products: [ (Territory(Grassland), 50) ], ), ( name: "Road Patrol", orders: [ (Armor, 0.5), (Tools, 0.3), (Potions, 3.0), ], products: [ (RoadSecurity, 50) ], ), ( name: "Ranger", orders: [ (Armor, 0.5), (Tools, 0.3), (Potions, 3.0), (Terrain(Forest), 50) ], products: [ (Territory(Forest), 50) ], ), ( name: "Armed Gatherer", // similar to guards orders: [ (Armor, 0.5), (Tools, 0.3), (Potions, 3.0), (Terrain(Desert), 10) ], products: [ (Ingredients, 10) ], ), ( name: "Gatherer", // operates on controlled area orders: [ (Territory(Grassland), 0.1) ], products: [ (Ingredients, 4) ], ), ( name: "Gatherer2", // operates on controlled area orders: [ (Territory(Forest), 0.1) ], products: [ (Ingredients, 4) ], ), ( name: "Gatherer3", // operates on controlled area orders: [ (Territory(Mountain), 0.3) ], products: [ (Ingredients, 4) ], ), ( name: "Merchant", orders: [ (RoadSecurity, 0.5) ], products: [ (Transportation, 30.0) ], ), ( name: "_", orders: [ (Food, 0.5) ], products: [], ), ])